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Or Loves Sacrifice. A Divine Poem. Written by E. B. Esq; Several Parts thereof set to fit Aires by Mr J. Jenkins

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Self! ô, how mean an Harmonie it breeds!
JESUS! All Names this Name of Names exceeds!
This Name's Gods Mercie at full Sea, 'tis Loves


High Tow'r, Joyes Loadstone; This, my Spirit moves.
Hark: Rise my Love, my Fair One, Come away;
Lingring breeds Losse; I am thy Leader, Light, and Way.


What Speed Speeds self can make, Soul, flie withall;
Greatnes and Goodnes most Magnetical!
Shoot, like a Flash of Fire, to th' ruby Wine,


His precious Blood, transcendently Divine!
(How poor those costly pearls were, drunk by Some)
My Lord, drink Blood to me! Let It to th' Worlds Health come!


All Hope's unanchor'd but in That. Thou art,
'Bove Indies Womb, rich to my Love-sick Heart!
Flesh-fair Endowments are but Skin-deep Brags,


Varnisht Corruption; Wealth is but Cares Bags;
The Bag impostom'd choaks. Gold, Beauty, Fame
Are sublunary Mysts to Saints Seraphick Flame.



JESUS! This fans my Fire, which has at best
But Grains of Incense, Pounds of Interest.
Go, Int'rest; Take the Principal, Thine own:


Divine Love loves thy Lovelines alone!
What Flames to Thine proportionable be!
LORD, had'st not first lov'd Man, Man could not have lov'd Thee!


Why lov'st us, but because Thou would'st? O, why
For Lepers would the Undefiled die?
That Pen was dipt i'th' Standish of thy Blood,


Which wrot th' Indenture of our termless Good!
O, Love, 'bove Wish! Never such Love enroll'd!
Who think their utmost Flames enough for Thee, are cold.


Whose Highnes did not to be low disdain,
Yet, when at Lowest, Highest did remain!
Who bow'dst Heav'ns Altitude, refresh with Flowrs,


With JESSES Sov'raign Flow'r, my fainting Pow'rs,
Which sink (as shaft-struck Hart embost) twixt Grief,
And Joy: Grief for my Sin, Joy for thy free Relief.


Wrackt is with bitter-sweet Extreams my Minde,
Shell'd, sheath'd, cag'd, coffin'd in her treacherous friend;
Her always tempting mass of Flesh She bears,


Her Hopes, did they not sprout from Thee, were fears:
Hope, Thou Perfume of Lovers, for thy Sake
Love's generous, throws at All: Life's but a petty Stake;



Scarce worth the Prize. Love makes two Spirits but one;
Me, Counterpart to thy Indenture, own;
I, active then as Light, tread Air and Flame,


Without or Wing, or Chariot; and disclaim
All the faint Sweets of Earth. Thy Spirit views
How in Loves torrid Zone thy sweltring Martyr stews.


Row me, ye Dove-wingd Oars, whom Hope do's buoy,
To wisht-for Hav'n, flowing with Tides of Joy!
Yet wish I not, my Joy, thy Joyes Above,


Meerly for Joy; nor Pleasures of thy Love,
Only for Love of Pleasure; No, let free
Spiritual Languors teem! Fruitful, yet Virgins be!


Give, give me Children, or I die! Love, rest
Thy Head upon the Pillows of my Breast!
When me Thou shalt impregn'd with Vertues make


A fruitful Eden, All the Frutage take!
Thy Passion, Jonathan, below did move;
Rapt Spirits, in high Excess flame with intensest Love!


My Life is hid with Thee in GOD! Descry
Thy Self, ô, Thou, my plighted Spouse, that I
May ever glorious be! That my joy'd Soul


With Thee may make up Marriage! and my whole
Self Thee for Bridegroom have! My Hope still sends
Up Come, that I may enter with thy feasted Friends!



O, That long-long'd for Come! ô, Come! mine Eyes,
Loves Sentinels, watch, like officious Spies!
Strike Sparks of Joy t' enflame Loves Tinder! make


The Exile view her Home, the Dreamer wake!
Tears raise the Fire of Love! Ease Sighs of Air,
Fires Passion, watry Tears, and earthy self Despair!


My Sighs, condens'd to Drops, compute Hours spent!
Cancell the Lease of my Clay-Tenement,
Which payes deer Rent of Groans! ô, grant a Writ


Of Ease! I languish out, not live! Permit
A Passe to Sions Mount! But, I resigne
My green-sick Will, though sick of Love, to that of Thine!


Waitings, which ripen Hopes, are not Delayes;
Presence how great, how true's Love, Absence saies:
While Lungs my Breath shall organ, I'l press still


Th' Exinanition of my o'regrown Will.
Behold, I quickly come. O're-joy'd I'm here!
O Come! Till then, each Day's an Age, each Hour a Year.


JESU! (That Name's Joyes Essence!) hasten on!
Throng amorous Sighs for Dissolution!
Fastidious Earth, avant; With Love-plumes soar,


My Soul, to meet thy Spouse. Can'st wish for more?
Only Come! give a RING! Re-eccho then,
O, Come. Even so, LORD JESU, Come! Amen. Amen.