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The stars are high in heav'n, Love,
Look out, look out and see,
The fairy time that's given, Love,
To light my heart to thee.
Come, dim with eyes so bright as thine
The fairy, countless hosts that shine,
In sov'reign splendor, less divine
Than those which beacon me!
'Tis now the time, when Silence sealing
The eye-lids of her sister Night,
Whose friendly shade, the scene concealing,
Which love requires, who steals from light!
The tell-tale-moon, no longer roves,
To light our silent, secret groves,
But the gentle star, our bosom loves,
Thro' ev'ning's vale is bright!
Then, whilst the stars are glowing, Love
No longer thus delay,


But come that glance bestowing, Love,
Which rivals early day!
These stars shall be my upper shrine,
My altar, Love, this breast of thine,
Whereon I'll lay this heart of mine,
And see it burn away!