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Our little Tom to the orchard strayed,
Where bloomed the blossoms upon each limb,
One little blossom bent down where he played
And breathed a fragrant kiss to him.
Our little Tom smiled a cunning smile
And merrily shook his curly head,
“I'll tackle you, blossom, after a while
When you grow to be an apple,” he said.
The blossom remarked, “'Tis a cold, cold day
When boys like you get away with me,”
But the boy went carelessly on his way
While the blossom chuckled with fiendish glee.
The days passed on and the weeks passed on,
And the blossom into an apple grew,
When along came Tom and gobbled it down,
Skin, stem and core and the green seeds too.
Our little Tommy has angel wings
And he flops around in the golden sky;
It's to be presumed he sweetly sings
Of apple blossoms in the By and By.