University of Virginia Library


Today the sun looks down in my face,
The heavens are dazzling bright;
The earth drinks up its flood of rays,
The moon comes out at night,
And all the little stars look down,
Smiling from overhead,
While the night, in her pearly gown,
Sits watching by my bed
'Til rosy dawn sets in again
And gray clouds float o'erhead;
When dawn comes the pattering rain
And thunder, oh such dread!
Now I put on my over shoes,
And, much against my will,
I'm forced to cross those muddy sloughs
And trudge up o'er the hill.
And then a blizzard soon sets in,


And wind and sleet and snow,
And hail with some rain mixed in
Come pouring down below,
'Til the sunlight thro' the arches
In splendor lights the earth,
And the spring birds 'neath the shadows
Begin their songs of mirth.