University of Virginia Library

Rights of Women

"There are a few women
who want to be treated like
men, but most women don't,"
she said. "We protest for our
right to be women," she cried,
to the cheers of her supporters.

Mr. Wadlington spoke for
the amendment, testifying that
regardless of whether ERA is
ratified, there will be litigation
on women's rights. However,
he pointed out, "It is far more
satisfactory and orderly from a
legal point of view to do it
under a separate amendment
with a separate legal history."

Mr. Hornby affirmed the
need for a new amendment.
"The 14th amendment is not
up to the task and should not
be forced into dealing with sex
discrimination. The U.S.
Constitution's equal protection
guarantee was devised for racial
discrimination and should not
be applied to sex