University of Virginia Library



1970 TR-6 blue, WW. 17.000 miles
excellent condition. Call 295-0702
after 6:00 p.m.

1969 Dodge Tradesman Van. 8
pass. One owner excellent
condition Never raced. $2,200.
973-6268 evenings.

For sale: 1967 Rover TC 2000. A
great touring car. Call 295-3824
after 5:00 p.m.

Porsche, 2003 356B.
Excellent new trans. Radial tires
and brakes $1,695,00 295-7261
after 5.

1964 Rambler Station Wagon—5
great tires incl. 2 snow tires: rebuilt
engine, radio, no 3 inspection
sticker. Only $275.00 or best offer.
Call 296-5924 after 7 p.m.

1964 Olds Cutlass Convertible
body-chassis-drive train-interior all
excellent. Call 295-3800.

Lookin' for a machine wit moxie?
The famed green stud ('59
Studebaker) of Rt. 29 is for sale.
$60. to the right owner. Call Alan
at 296-0478.


Female Roommate-Completely
furnished, two-bedroom country
cottage. $67.00 Call (day)
924-3987; (night) 296-8317.
Available now.

Female Roommate wanted:
furnished apartment, heat, air.
cond. included. Close to grounds.
$47.50/month. 296-5973.

Cabin on Lake in country. Need
roommate January or February
thru May. Own room—Call
823-5471, late nights.

Plano Player wanted-two nights
weekly at $20.00 per night (3
hours) Phone 296-5597.

2 Students need third for large
furnished 2 bedroom apt; 1/2 block
from corner; call 295-0361.

Male Companion and sitter for 6 yr.
old boy— 3 or 4 afternoons per
week. Own transportation
desirable. Call 972-5458- beg. Jan


U. Va ring found in New M.E.
Building Men's room call Sandy
Shifflett 924-3388.

Found: Dental Retainer Directors


For Sale: Utah 8″-3-way speakers,
1 yr. old, custom cabinets. Call
Randy 296-0019. 90.00

For sale: Used G.E. Portable stereo
Good condition. Call Ross.
295-0561. $35.00.


Rooms for rent by the month,
private entrance. Private bath. Air
conditioned. Route 29 North.
$65.00 single; $85.00 double. Call
Sunny Hill Motel: 973-5255.

Sublease; Private Room of 3
man-apartment. Jan. 1st or after.
Call 296-4330 after 5 p.m. Cavalier
Court Apts.


Last chance to purchase any size
water bed w/5 year written
guarantee for only $29.95. Heater
special-35.00. Phone 295-0042
after 6:00 p.m.

Jacket & Stereo-Bomber style
jacket size 38-42, new 30.00.
Compact stereo, AM-FM (Stereo). 1
year old. Excellent condition. Call
295-8736. 111 Maupin.

Fire wood for sale. We deliver. Call

5 Fenton slotted Mag type
aluminum wheels. 14″ by 6″. 8
lock nuts included. Org. $200. Now
$100. 4 months old. 293-6732.

Townhouse—Deluxe 3-bedroom
home limited to "single family
dwelling" Wooded lot; 6%
University Mortgage. 924-7100.

IT'S an eye-opener, and much
more; U. Va. Pictorial Map is a work
of genius. $2.50.

Camera Center—Application and
Passport Photos. 24-48 hour
service. 913 W. Main Street.

Anyone interested in flying to
Mardi Gras is February call Sue
Morris at University Union
924-3286. Round trip fare is $108.

SKIS, Head GS 205 cm. $75, Brand
New Kastie metals. 215 cm $90.