University of Virginia Library


"The One-World Purpose" is
a good example of the Russell
philosophy. Subtitled "A Plan
to Dissolve War by a Power
More Mighty than War," it
advocates "world peace
through world balance." The
world's great need is "rhythmic
balanced interchange in all
human relations."

The source of all
knowledge, at least for the
Russells, is a sort of cosmic
overmind, presumably the
same one that Edgar Cayce
claimed to tap when entering
his famous trances. The
Russell's also believe that the

Text By
Steve Grimwood
Visual Aids By
Charley Sands
cause of all their innate,
untrained "talent" lies in
reincarnation. Walter, for
example, was an artist,
sculptor, scientist, etc., during
his former lives, hence his

'Christ Of The Blue Ridge'

This Thirty Foot High Work Overlooks The Gardens At Swannanoa

seemingly inherent ability in
these fields.

The most striking feature of
all their philosophy is it's
basic simpleness. The majority
of Lao's creeds are flowery
rephrasings of the words of
Christ, laced with a not so
healthy dose of mysto-cosmocism.
In fact, their most
often quoted bit of advice is
simply "Love ye one another."

If you think Swannanoa is
amazing, send them some
money so that they can build.
Project No. 2.

To intensity the spirit of
brotherly love through a
greater comprehension of
Natural Law and the Love
Principle, this University plans
to erect the colossal CHRIST
mountain-top paradise in

Here in this lovely shrine,
far above the Skyline Drive,
these four immortal words
will be carved across the base
of the Temple to inspire all
who weary of worldliness to
find their souls in the aura of
Nature's majestic solitude.

Every hour on the hour,
Christ's own words LOVE YE
ONE ANOTHER will be heard,
and every Sunday, at the noon
hour, thousands who gather on
the mountain-top will hear the
broadcast to all the world.

Powerful searchlights will
illumine the Christ-surmounted
Temple of Light every night,
and when they are dimmed,
the Lord's Prayer will be sung
out into the night for the
people of the countryside to
echo within their hearts.

From 'The One-World Purpose'

The shrine is to be 630 feet
tall, topped off with a large
size version of "Christ of the
Blue Ridge." Inside an
auditorium will seat two to
three thousand, while countless
of the faithful can gather
outside on the mountainside.

"The manner in which
Swannanoa came into being
reads like a fairy tale." So
reads the brochure and it is
very true. Swannanoa is a fairy
land, so completely divorced
from the real world that the
great dreams of Walter and Lao
Russell seem almost possible
while standing there looking
out at the mountains.

But the visitor must
unfortunately come down the
mountain. Lao Russell does