University of Virginia Library


RAVEN SOCIETY - luncheon
meeting, Monday, March 29th, at
Newcomb Hall, Parlor B. Lunch at
12:30 Program 1:15 to 2:00
Speaker: Dr. Joseph Fletcher
Author of Situation Ethics.

Organizational meeting for
Women's Tennis Team at 4 p.m.,
Rm. 22, Mem. Gym. All women

8mm Film Center: Film showing at
8 p.m., 165 Madison Lane. Films
welcome, info. avail.

Films: Homage to Ho Chi Minh &
Companeras and Companeros
(Cuban Youth). Ballroom 7:30, $1

PRE-LEGAL meeting 8 p.m. Cocke
Hall Auditorium. The Greening of
America Discussion, with W. H.
Harbaugh and D. Germino,

DRAFT REPEAL legislation
meeting for all desiring to work,
Student Council Offices, 8 p.m.