University of Virginia Library

Stopping the Machine

The military structure will not
be halted or diminished by
accepting a civilian service program,
which is nothing of the kind; it will
not be stopped by allowing
Congressional "leaders" to continue
playing games with our lives. We
have a chance of halting the
machine which is presently out of
control only by refusing to let
ourselves by used by it, and we do
this by not co-operating with it in
any way, and making that
noncooperation a public statement
of our feelings.

Finally a word to those who've
read this article and discounted the
information contained within.
Room prevents me from listing the
incidents and conversations which
provided the source material. My
information comes largely from the
former director of the National
Council to Repeal the Draft,
Thomas Reeves; from NCRS'S
current director Stuart Kemp, a
member of the aforementioned
Gates Commission; from members
of the Midwest Committee for
Draft Counseling who've been
directly approached by members of
the Defense Department; from
Delegates to the Conference on the
Test Study of National Service, and
my Statistical facts which described
the level of noncooperation were
compiled by Bob Freeston of the
Chicago Area Military Project.