University of Virginia Library


Well, if the coed dorms and the
girls dorms weren't bawdy houses,
it must have been going on in the
first year boys' dorms. Dobie was
closest, so my now wearied legs
trekked up still another flights of
stairs. Nowhere in sight was the fair
skin of a young damsel. Why not?

The boys said that in the
beginning of the year the girls were
dating upperclassmen and had a
stuck-up attitude. Sure, there were
guys in the suite who dated them
and there was nothing wrong or
unusual about them. Just, at the
beginning of the year while they
weren't dating girls here they were
rolling and now knew plenty of
girls down the road. Why go out of
their way to meet the girls here?

A common feeling towards the
coeds was take them of leave them,
they neither added nor detracted
from the surroundings. If anything
they hindered.

The feeling expressed by Senator
Bateman and evidently echoed by
his colleagues in light of their
unanimous passage of his resolution
were not found in the first year
dorms. Students there felt that the
sex that did go on was discreet and
not out in the open. The girls were
not being picked up for one night
thrills. What did go on, and most
claimed not to know of much, was
none of their business they
thought. If parents had sent them
away to college, they should be
trusted to regulate their own sex
life. As long as it did not hurt
anyone or interfere with anyone
else's life, the State legislature
shouldn't be sticking its nose in
their private lives. That was
something between the parents and
students involved.

It was now 5:30 and I had spent
almost five hours roaming the halls
of the first year Alderman Road
dorms. My great hopes and
expectations aroused by Senator
Bateman had been dashed against
the rocks. Virginia, I was sorry to
find, carried on its life in the
dormitories as if the students
resisted temptation and showed
signs of maturity.