University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

I think that the reason which
Mr. Shannon gave as to why the
amphitheatre is not used for
producing Greek plays (that
airplane noise would interfere) is a
very weak one. To tell the truth, I
hadn't noticed that it was any more
noisy in the neighborhood of the
amphitheatre than anywhere else in
Charlottesville. Planes do
occasionally fly over, but surely not
often enough to spoil a whole Greek

There are better objections
perhaps to using the amphitheatre
for plays, but Mr. Shannon (as
reported in the C.D.) did not raise
them. In my opinion an occasional
Greek play would be a very good
thing, and I see no reason why the
faculty could not continue to use
the area around the amphitheatre
for parking their cars when no play
was being given.

Ross Laughlin
College 2