University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

We were interested to see that
neither The Cavalier Daily nor the
Virginia Weekly see fit to print the
results of the first trial of the four
students arrested earlier this year
on drug charges. Apparently they do
not think that the outcome is
relevant of the University
community. We think it is very
important since a good portion of
you folks could be faced with a
similar situation at any given time.

Charlie's and Clyde's case came
up first; both were charged with
possession of marijuana, a
misdemeanor. Their lawyer, Mr.
Neal, was continually cut off and
harassed by Judge Spitzer during
his questioning of Carl Devers, the
head narc. The judge found Mr.
Neal guilty of contempt of court.

He also found Charlie and Clyde
guilty, and sentenced them to a
year in jail and a $500 fine. Several
weeks ago, another student was
given three years suspended
sentence on the same charge. The
only difference was that he had
thousands of dollars worth of grass;
Charlie and Clyde were charged
with the possession of less than an
ounce each.

Bill's hearing came up next. He
was charged with the sale of LSD, a
felony. The prosecution did not
satisfy the judge of probable cause
and Spitzer did not send the case to
the Grand Jury. Last week,
however, Jack Camblos, the head
D.A. (sic), went straight to the Jury
over the lower courts ruling and got
the indictment returned. Now Bill
will have to face a jury trial in the
Corporate (sic) Court later on this

Undue harassment?

Pat's case was the last one. He
was also charged with the sale of
LSD, and the prosecution satisfied
the judge of probable cause, even
though no evidence connecting him
with any sale was presented. Spitzer
sent the case to the Grand Jury for
an indictment.

After the trial, Pat, Charlie, and
Clyde were served with new
warrants. Clyde was charged with
the possession of Darvon, a
misdemeanor, and Pat was charged
with possession of marijuana (a
small vial of seeds) and possession
of sodium phenobarbital, both

Charlie was charged with
possession of hashish (less than 1/8
gram) and possession of LSD (one
tab), both felonies. Total bail for
everyone has been $11,000 so far.

You might be interested to
know that during Dever's testimony
the truth was mighty elastic. Do
not expect the courts to protect
your rights, folks——they are out to
get rid of us. Be cool, but don't
sacrifice your life style. There are
more of us everyday; and if we
continue, some day free people will
again be free.

We wish to thank everyone who
has contributed to our defense. We
don't know what we'd do without
your help. Contributions may be
sent to Defense Fund, 2100
Jefferson Park Ave.

Bill Pat