University of Virginia Library

Arrival Of Beta

With the arrival of Beta of
Virginia chapter of Phi Beta Kappa
in 1908, there was necessarily some
duplication of function with the
Raven Society, but the distinction
between them can be made. Phi
Beta Kappa normally elects just
before graduation, almost
exclusively on the basis of academic
record, and from the College and
Graduate School only.

Raven normally elects at least
one year before graduation, takes
into account other forms of
intellectual and literary interest and
worthwhile extracurricular
achievement, and values "service to
the University" as a qualification
for membership. It aims to bring
together the picked men of all
schools, undergraduate, graduate,
and professional.

During the course of its sixty-six
year history there have been
numerous revisions of the
constitution and by-laws designed
to clarify the criteria for election
and to keep pace with the changing
University. A recent formulation
states that members are selected "in
recognition of high scholastic
attainments, service to the
University of Virginia, and of
promise of future advancement in
the intellectual field." The
importance of extra curricular
activities has been variously
estimated by the membership.

Highlights in the history of the
Society would include (1) the
original adoption of the title of
Poe's most popular poem as the
name of the Society; (2) the
prominent part taken by the
Society in the Poe Centennial of
1909, and its subsequent furnishing
and custodianship of the Poe Room
at 13 West Range.

(3) the setting up of the Raven
Awards in 1933 for outstanding
contributions to the University and
to the ideals of the Society; (4) the
Semicentennial Celebration of
1954; and (5) in the spring of 1970
the first election of women to the
previously all-male Society.