University of Virginia Library

CD Brainwash?

Dear Sir:

I have read with interest all that
you have written concerning fraternities,
including Thursday's "If the
fraternities die at U.Va., don't
blame us - the C.D. didn't hurt
them" editorial. Your attitudes
prior to this have been much more
derogatory and demeaning, implying
that only a fool would join a
fraternity. This hurts me because I
am a first yearman who is considering
joining a frat. At first I was
rather grateful to you for presenting
the "other side" of frat life.
However, of late your harangues
have gotten out of hand and you
seem to have taken it upon yourselves,
for some unknown reason,
to destroy the fraternity system
here at the U.

In a decision as important as
joining a fraternity, I think someone
should present the opposing
views at the beginning of rush, but
should remain silent after that to
allow each person to make up his
(or her) own mind. If one has been
going to a fraternity rather regularly
lately, and has been asking intelligent
questions (rather than
"How's it going?", "What's for dinner?",
and "So what are you majoring
in?"), then he should know
most of the disadvantages and
drawbacks of becoming a brother.

In other words, C.D., let us
make up our minds. We're old

Steven C. Wann
College 1