University of Virginia Library


MEETING of the Championship
program 7:30 PM South Meeting of
Newcomb Hall. All persons except
those in Western State program
requested to attend.

E-School has your phone no. Check
card file Thornton Hall office.

HILLEL Foundation: Rosh
Hashanah Service at 10:00 AM and
7:30 PM.

STUDENT ACLU will hold a
meeting at 7:00 PM in room 4-A of
Newcomb Hall

CHESS CLUB will hold its annual
business meeting tonight at 7:30 in
Newcomb Hall basement.

MANDATORY meeting of IFC
kitchen managers, at 3:30,
Newcomb Hall 4-C

ELI-Banana Meeting at 10:00 PM at
DEKE House. Bring Check Books.

ALPHA Chi Sigma Meeting. All
brothers call the house 295-6766.

GOLF MEETING All men (first
year and upperclassmen) interested
in trying out for golf will meet
today, 5:00 PM room 22, Memorial

YR Board Meeting 7:30 PM in
Informal Lounge of Newcomb Hall.
Interested Republicans please

Prof A.G. Dickens will deliver a
lecture on Luther and the German
Nation in the McGregor Room,
Alderman Library, 8:00 PM. He
will also participate in a seminar on
the English reformation of the 16th
century in room 235 James Wilson
Hall at 3:00 PM, Friday.

UVA Sailing Association meeting at
7:30 in 215, Wilson Hall. New
members welcome; Please bring

EXTREMELY important meeting
of the IFC Presidents' Council.

interested in knowing how the
resident women of the University
community would like to use the
recreational facilities a able
Meeting at 4:00 PM in the Lecture
room 22, Memorial gym.

Photographers meeting for
interested persons working for
1971 Corks and Curls, 8:00 PM