University of Virginia Library

Greater Accuracy

Now the University ,
headed by M Beams, hope to
refine the measurement to one part
in 100,000. "nd once we get it to
that degree, we'll y for even
greater accuracy," says Mr. Beams.
professor of physics.
"Since enters into all cosmological
theories and because of the
recent emphasis on space . It
seemed we ought to increase your
knowledge of G."

A more precise knowledge of G
would, for example, enable scientists
to better calculate the density
of the earth, as well as the other
planets, says Mr. Beams

The new device surmounts some
of the obstacles which kept other
methods of measurement from
achieving greater accuracy the
elimination of the gravitational
effect of objects other than those
being measured and the measurement
of a weak force over a period
of time.

In order to eliminate the gravitational
effects of surrounding objects,
the University team devised a
system in which a turntable's
acceleration would be the quantity