University of Virginia Library


STUDENT Council invites
students to attend its meeting at
7:30 in the Student Council room,
4th floor of Newcomb Hall.

Phillips of Princeton will speak at 4
p.m. in room 150 Gilmer Hall. Tea
at 3:30 in room 272 Gilmer.

DEPT. of Music presents Randolph-Macon
dance group to 20th
century music course at 11 a.m.,
Cabell Aud.

MIXER for grad, students
(males and females of the U.) at 8
p.m., Alumni Hall. $1 per person,
free beer, set-ups. Tickets at Newcomb
Hall Main Desk and door.

HIGH SCHOOL Recruitment
Committee for recruiting blacks in
your local high school will have
meeting at 6:30 in room 4A,
Newcomb Hall. All interested are

IEEE meeting at 7:30 in A&M
Aud. Dr. D. Dumin of RCA will
speak on "Thin Film Silicon."
Students and faculty welcome.

THETA TAU important meeting
at 7:15 in A-120 Brothers and
pledges, nominations.

MEETING of the Student
Dating Service at 7 p.m. in room
4A. Newcomb Hall.

at 7 p.m. in South Meeting Room.
Nominate candidates, see films.
New members welcome.

LADIES: U. Rife and Pistol
Club instructs coeds. All students
note: new members welcome and
trained any time. Pistol practice 7
p.m., Maury Hall.

RATC drill cancelled. All members
urged to attend RSU activities
at Maury at 1:40.

the Marquis de Sade, meeting at
8:30 in Wilson 135.

SONG recital, John Roberts,
Tenor, accompanied by Charles
Bradley, pianist. Cabell Hall Aud.
8:15. No admission.

SPECIAL TRIGON meeting at 7
p.m., A&M Aud. Candidates will be