University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

As you know, a program has
been set up in which University
students visit their hometown high
schools over Spring Break to recruit
promising applicants (especially
black and underprivileged students)
to the University.

The set-up of this system is
simple. Interested students are
requested to register at the Student
Council office in Newcomb Hall by
5 p.m. Friday, March 14. To
register, a recommendation from a
faculty member or the head of any
University organization (including
fraternity presidents and senior
counselors) must be submitted. A
meeting of all registered students is
scheduled for Monday, March 17,
at 7:30 in room 4A, Newcomb
Hall. At that time Dean Ern will
give instructions and recruitment
materials will be handed out.

Unfortunately, the actual response
to this program, in the form
of registration, has been poor. This
recruitment program requires a
relatively small amount of individual
effort; if successful, its benefits
for the University community
should be great. For this reason, I
ask all of you, especially first and
second-year men, to carefully consider
participation. It is important
that we be willing to dedicate
ourselves to working for a better-balanced
student body, as well as
asking the administration to work
for such a goal.

Kevin Mannix
High School Recruitment