University of Virginia Library



GLEE CLUB audition now being
held. For appt. call Music Dept.
office, ext. 3052.

UNIVERSITY Singers auditions
now being held. For appt. call
Music Dept. office, ext. 3052.

DEPT. of Biology, Gilmer Hall,
presents Dr. N. Sperelakis from
Dept. of Physiology speaking on
"Electrophysiology of Cultured
Heart Cells" at 4 p.m. in room 150.
Coffee and tea at 3:30 in room

evening supper at 6:15 p.m.
Phone 295-4963 for reservations.
Friday evening service at 6:45 p.m.

lead a seminar on RET in Newcomb
Hall Ballroom at 8:45 a.m.


AN ORGANIZING meeting of
the Committee on the Future of
Fraternities will be held at 8:30 in
room 4C, Newcomb Hall. Anyone
in the University community interested
in working for the Committee
during the second semester
is invited to attend. Anyone unable
to meet at that time can indicate
interest by a note to Box 11X,
Newcomb Hall Station.

Seminar presents Dr. P. Zweial
speaking on "Early History of
Atomic Energy" at 4:15 p.m. in
204 Physics Bldg. Coffee and
donuts and 4 p.m.

ROBERT ANDERSON, playwright,
will speak on "Modern
American Theatre" at the Minor
Hall Little Theatre. Students and
faculty are admitted free. All other
are $1. The lecture will begin at 8

DEPT. Astronomy and NRAO
present Dr. P. Memarque from Yale
speaking on "Hooks and Gaps in
the H-R Diagram" at 4 p.m., 110
Gilmer Hall.


MEETING of all 2nd year
members of PK Dance Society
Monday, Feb. 17 in room 4A
Newcomb Hall, at 7 p.m. Attendance

DEADLINE for signing up for
1969 Corks and Curls is March 1.
After this date all subscriptions will
be $12.50 as opposed to the
current price of $10. Subscriptions
will be taken 2-5 p.m., 5th floor,
Newcomb Hall.

ANYONE interested in becoming
baseball manager on this year's
Varsity team call 296-6986, Gary

STUDENTS wishing to enroll in
the student Blue Cross/Blue Shield
hospitalization program must do so
by contacting the local office,
Barracks Rd. Shopping Center,
296-8146 by Feb. 17. All students
must be enrolled in this program or
a comparable program with another

APPLICATIONS for dormitory
counselorship available at Housing
Office, Emmet House during office
hours until Friday, Feb. 14. Each
interested student must pick up his
own application. The deadline for
filing an application is 5 p.m., Feb.
20. All applicants are required to
take a U. knowledge test given Feb.
18 and Feb. 19 in Gilmer Hall Aud.
at 7 p.m.

NROTC is now taking applications
for the two year contract
program. Inquire Administration
office, room 105 Maury Hall.
Deadline for applications is March

US ARMY OCS testing and
interview will be conducted in
Charlottesville Main Post Office on
Feb. 17, 18. Call SFC Daniel Wright
at 295-5253 for appointment.

COMPUTER Science Center will
offer an introductory course in
computer programming starting
Feb. 17. The course assumes no
prior knowledge of computers and
will be held in Filmer Hall Aud.
from 7:30-9:30 on Feb. 17, 21, 25,
26, March 3, 5. There is no charge
and registration is by attendance at
first meeting. At that time textbooks
for the course will be
available for $5.

UNIVERSITY Union is sponsoring
a bus to Mary Washington for a
mixer on Friday. Tickets at Main
Desk, Newcomb Hall for $3.

THE TRIP to Freeport is on!
Contact University Union, 4th
floor, Newcomb Hall for information,
ext. 3286.

COLLOQUIUM on "Antigone"
Sunday, Feb. 16 at 2 p.m. in South
Meeting Room, Newcomb Hall. In

RAPIER needs personnel. Call

ART SHOW - California-inspired
drawings and paintings by
Ann Untereiner at the Prism Coffeehouse,
Feb. 12-March 12. Wed.,
8-12; Fri. and Sat., 9 p.m.-2 a.m.

COURSE description blanks for
the spring semester of the Experimental
University are now available
at their office and at the Main Desk
of Newcomb Hall.

PRELIMINARY Announcement
of 1969 Summer Session available
now at the Summer Session office
in Garrett Hall. A catalogue describing
courses will be available in the
middle of March. The regular 8
week summer session begins June
23-Aug. 16.

ALL THOSE interested in signing
up for the 2nd semester rush
should come to Newcomb Hall
Ballroom on Monday, Feb. 17 from
7-9:30 p.m. Representatives from
each fraternity will be there to sign
up people on their rush lists.

"WHEN Comedy was King" will
be shown on Sunday, 7 and 9, in
Newcomb Hall. Fifty cents.

Sinn Fein must meet