University of Virginia Library

Proud Christian

Dear Sir:

I wish to take this opportunity
to commend the efforts of the
Mary Washington Bullet in helping
to bring across a point of view
seldom expressed on this campus,
much less on those of our neighboring
institutions. There is much
to be learned from a close examination
of Christian ethics, and unfortunately,
the majority of
"Christians" are revealing their ignorance
more and more each day.
Many Christians I have come in
contact with are so hypocritical
that they would come out of
church and rebuke Jesus Christ
Himself. After all, He represents
everything the Establishment
loathes - love for all men (including
Communists), peace, minority
groups, long hair and beards, and a
non-capitalistic economy, among
other things, As for groups like the
SDS, they are indeed "the true
saints of today." They practice
Christian ethics every day, not just
for an hour on Sunday (if that).
They stand for what Jesus stood for
and are willing to continue to stand
up for these values despite the
heckling of their contemporaries.
I'm proud to be a Christian and a
member of SDS, and would like
some of my fellow students to take
a close look at themselves and see if
they can be as proud.

Richard Snyder
College 4