University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

I have been applied at your
editorials favoring more and better
laws and a revision thereof in concurrence
with present-day restrictions
on Marijuana. I feel I should
write and inform both you, and
your readers, of the most terrible
and simply awful hazards of the
weed Cannibas Setibus. I have been
closely related to the stuff for
many years and I know what I
am talking about. You're poor
parents must be absolutely
ashamed of you- putting such
things like that in your paper. I
know what I am talking about as
I have said, so listen to me.

Besides, I am older, therefore
know more than you. This weed
leads to death, destruction, wildness,
insanity, and a generally good
time, which as I am sure you will
agree, is deplorable. Being as I
know what I am talking about
because I am older than you, I
know that you will reconsider
your horrendous position and get
off the stuff. From now on be
a nice little Virginia Gentleman and
stick to bourbon.

I. W. Harper