University of Virginia Library



Grad, Student Happy Hours 5-7
p.m. Graduate Student Lounge,
West Range.

Charles V. Hamilton, co-author
with Stokely Carmichael of the
book "Black Power," will speak
in the South Meeting Room, Newcomb
Hall, 8:00 p.m.

There will be a meeting of the
Jefferson Society at 7:29. Regular
members come sign roll and
participate in Vietnam discussion.


ANS movies: 7:30 p.m. in AM-
12. The student section of the
American Nuclear Society will
show 2 films about recent dev. In
nuclear technology. Titles of
films: Plowshare (Engineering
with Nuclear Explosives), and
Radioisotope Applications in Industry.
All students, particularly
those interested in Nuclear engineering
are invited to see these
timely films as well as partake
of refreshments served during intermission
and after second film.


Chess Club meeting room 4A,
Newcomb Hall, Sunday, 7:30 p.m.

High Point Pool entries deadline
Feb. 16. Only 10 entries per house.

Swimming entries are in boxes.
They must be turned in by Feb.

Student Council Curriculum
Eval. Committee Meeting Sunday,
3:00 p.m. Student Council Office,
Newcomb Hall.

The University Union asks that
all fraternities that have not
turned in money promised for
this year's Cav. Fund Drive please
do so at the Union office, 4th
floor, Newcomb Hall.

The NROTC is now accepting
applications for the 2 year contract
program. Students must
have 2 years remaining to complete
degree requirements. Inquiry
and application should be
made at Maury Hall, Room 105.

Dance and light show featuring
Electric Renaissance will be held
Friday, Feb. 23, 9-1 in Bayly Museum,
Rugby Rd. Tickets $3 in
Newcomb Hall and Mincers'.
Sponsored by AIA and Univ.
Guide Service.

Faculty Physical Ed. Program
held Monday and Friday from 1
to 2.

Any instructor or graduate student
at the University of Va. interested
in applying for a summer
scholarship for study in Briton
should contact the Office of
the Dean of the University.

Dick Kunert, Prof. of Am. History
at Georgetown U. will discuss
"The New Left—Its Power,
Its Purpose" Feb. 21, 8:00 p.m. in
Newcomb Hall South meeting
room. Sponsored by the University
Young Republicans. Business
meeting will follow.

AICHE meeting Feb. 21, 7:30
p.m. Room E312. Seniors will
speak on their summer jobs.

Alpha Epsilon Delta, premedical
honor society, elected officers
Wednesday night. They are:
Joseph Braintwain, president;
Richard Harris, vice-president;
Ward Close, secretary; John W.
Snoddy, treasurer; and Jim Sellman,