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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
441 occurrences of love
[Clear Hits]

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441 occurrences of love
[Clear Hits]


C. K. Allen, Law in the Making, 2nd ed. (Oxford, 1930).
B. N. Cardozo, The Nature of the Judicial Process (New
Haven, 1932). R. Cross, Precedent in English Law (Oxford,
1961). J. P. Dawson, The Oracles of the Law (Ann Arbor,
1968). R. W. M. Dias, A Bibliography of Jurisprudence
(London, 1964). Woldemar Engelmann, Die Wiedergeburt
der Rechtskultur in Italien
(Leipzig, 1938). J. N. Frank, Law
and the Modern Mind
(New York, 1930; London, 1949). W.
Friedmann, Legal Theory, 4th ed. (London, 1960). A. L.
Goodhart, Essays in Jurisprudence and the Common Law
(Cambridge, 1937); idem, “Precedent in English and Conti-
nental Law,” Law Quarterly Review, 50 (1934), 40. J. C.
Gray, The Nature and Sources of the Law (New York, 1921).
H. R. Hahlo and E. Kahn, The South African Legal System
and Its Background
(Cape Town, 1968). E. A. Hoebel, The
Law of Primitive Man
(Cambridge, Mass., 1964). H. F.
Jolowicz, Historical Introduction to the Study of Roman
2nd ed. (Cambridge, 1952). K. Lipstein, “The Doc-
trines of Precedent in Continental Law with Special Refer-
ence to French and German Law,” Journal of Criminal Law,
28 (1946), 34. K. Llewellyn, The Bramble Bush (New York,
1930); idem, “Case Law,” Encyclopedia of the Social Sci


ences (New York, 1930), III, 249. Y. Loussouarn, “The Rela-
tive Importance of Legislation, Custom, Doctrine and Prec-
edent in French Law,” Louisiana Law Review, 18 (1957),
235. D. N. MacCormick, “Can Stare Decisis be Abolished?”
Jurisdical Review (1966), 197. Chaim Perelman, The Idea of
Justice and the Problem of Argument
(London and New York,
1963). T. Plucknett, A Concise History of the Common Law,
5th ed. (London, 1956). F. Pollock, Jurisprudence and Legal
ed. A. L. Goodhart (London, 1961). R. Pound, “The
Theory of Judicial Decision,” Harvard Law Review, 36
(1922-23), 641, 802. R. B. Schlesinger, Comparative Law,
2nd ed. (London, 1960). T. B. Smith, The Doctrines of Judi-
cial Precedent in Scots Law
(Edinburgh, 1952). J. Stone,
Legal System and Lawyers' Reasoning (London and Stan-
ford, 1964); idem, Human Law and Human Justice (London
and Stanford, 1965); idem, Social Dimensions of Law and
(London and Stanford, 1966). A. Taylor, “Functional
Aspects of the Lawyer's Concept of Justice,” Juridical Re-
(1966), 13. J. Vanderlinden, “Some Reflections on the
Law Making Powers of the French Judiciary,” Juridical
(1968), 1. A. T. Von Mehren, The Civil Law System
(Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1957).


[See also Casuistry; Certainty; Equality; Equity; Justice;
Law, Ancient Roman, Common.