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Sir Walter Scott.

Illustrated Household Edition of the Waverley
50 volumes. In portable size, 16mo. form. Now
Complete. Price 75 cents a volume.

The paper is of fine quality; the stereotype plates are not old
ones repaired, the type having been cast expressly for this edition.
The Novels are illustrated with capital steel plates engraved
in the best manner, after drawings and paintings by the
most eminent artists, among whom are Birket Foster, Darley,
Billings, Landseer, Harvey, and Faed. This Edition contains
all the latest notes and corrections of the author, a Glossary and
Index; and some curious additions, especially in “Guy Mannering”
and the “Bride of Lammermoor;” being the fullest
edition of the Novels ever published. The notes are at the foot
of the page,
—a great convenience to the reader.

Any of the following Novels sold separate.

Waverley, 2 vols.

Guy Mannering, 2 vols.

The Antiquary, 2 vols.

Rob Roy, 2 vols.

Old Mortality, 2 vols.

Black Dwarf, } 2 vols.

Legend of Montrose,

Heart of Mid Lothian, 2 vols.

Bride of Lammermoor, 2 vols.

Ivanhoe, 2 vols.

The Monastery, 2 vols.

The Abbot, 2 vols.

Kenilworth, 2 vols.

The Pirate, 2 vols.

The Fortunes of Nigel, 2 vols.

Peveril of the Peak, 2 vols.

Quentin Durward, 2 vols.

St. Ronan's Well, 2 vols.

Redgauntlet, 2 vols.

The Betrothed, } 2 vols.

The Highland Widow,

The Talisman, } 2 vols.

Two Drovers,

My Aunt Margaret's Mirror,

The Tapestried Chamber,

The Laird's Jock,

Woodstock, 2 vols.

The Fair Maid of Perth, 2 vols.

Anne of Geierstein, 2 vols.

Count Robert of Paris, 2 vols.

The Surgeon's Daughter, } 2 vols.

Castle Dangerous,

Index and Glossary,

Tales of a Grandfather. Illustrated. 6 vols. $4.50.

Life. By J. G. Lockhart. In Press. Uniform with Novels.
Vols. 1, 2, 3 and 4 now ready. Cloth. 75 cents per vol.


Page 2

Thomas De Quincey.

Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, and Suspiria
de Profundis.
With Portrait. 75 cents.

Biographical Essays. 75 cents.

Miscellaneous Essays. 75 cents.

The Cæsars. 75 cents.

Literary Reminiscences. 2 vols. $1.50.

Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers. 2 vols. $1.50.

Essays on the Poets, &c. 1 vol. 16mo. 75 cents.

Historical and Critical Essays. 2 vols. $1.50.

Autobiographic Sketches. 1 vol. 75 cents.

Essays on Philosophical Writers, &c. 2 vols. 16mo.

Letters to a Young Man, and other Papers. 1 vol.
75 cents.

Theological Essays and other Papers. 2 vols.

The Note Book. 1 vol. 75 cents.

Memorials and other Papers. 2 vols. 16mo. $1.50.

The Avenger and other Papers. 1 vol. 75 cents.

Logic of Political Economy, and other Papers.
1 vol. 75 cents.

Beauties, selected from the writings of Thomas De Quincey.
With an Introductory Notice and fine Portrait of the
author. 1 vol. $1.25.

Thomas Hood.

Memorials. Edited by his Children. 2 vols. $1.75.

Alfred Tennyson.

Poetical Works. With Portrait. 2 vols. Cloth. $2.00.

Pocket Edition of Poems Complete. 2 vols. $1.50.

Poems. Complete in one volume. With Portrait. $1.00.

The Princess. Cloth. 50 cents.

In Memoriam. Cloth. 75 cents.

The Same. Holiday Edition. With Portraits of Tennyson
and Arthur Hallam, and Biographical Sketch. $2.50.


Page 3

Maud, and other Poems. Cloth. 50 cents.

Idylls of the King. A new volume. Cloth. 75 cents.

Charles Dickens.


The Complete Works of Charles Dickens. Fine
Library Edition. Published simultaneously in London and
Boston. English print, fine cloth binding, 22 vols. 12mo.

Henry W. Longfellow.

Poetical Works. 2 vols. Boards, $2.00. Cloth, $2.25.

Pocket Edition of Poetical Works. In two volumes.

Pocket Edition of Prose Works Complete. In two
volumes. $1.75.

The Song of Hiawatha. $1.00.

Evangeline: A Tale of Acadia. 75 cents.

The Golden Legend. A Poem. $1.00.

Hyperion. A Romance. $1.00.

Outre-Mer. A Pilgrimage. $1.00.

Kavanagh. A Tale. 75 cents.

The Courtship of Miles Standish. 1 vol. 16mo.
75 cents.

Illustrated editions of Evangeline. Poems, Hyperion,
The Golden Legend,
and Miles Standish.

Charles Reade.

Peg Woffington. A Novel. 75 cents.

Christie Johnstone. A Novel. 75 cents.

Clouds and Sunshine. A Novel. 75 cents.

Never too late to Mend.” 2 vols. $1.50.

White Lies. A Novel. 1 vol. $1.25.

Propria Quæ Maribus and The Box Tunnel. 25 cts.

The Eighth Commandment. 75 cents.


Page 4

James Russell Lowell.

Complete Poetical Works. In Blue and Gold. 2 vols.

Poetical Works. 2 vols. 16mo. Cloth. $1.50.

Sir Launfal. New Edition. 25 cents.

A Fable for Critics. New Edition. 50 cents.

The Biglow Papers. New Edition. 63 cents.

Conversations on the Old Poets. 3d edition. 75 cts.

Fireside Travels. In Press.

Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Twice-Told Tales. Two volumes. $1.50.

The Scarlet Letter. 75 cents.

The House of the Seven Gables. $1.00.

The Snow Image, and other Tales. 75 cents.

The Blithedale Romance. 75 cents.

Mosses from an Old Manse. 2 vols. $1.50.

The Marble Faun. 2 vols $1.50.

True Stories. 75 cents.

A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys. 75 cents.

Tanglewood Tales. 88 cents.

Edwin P. Whipple.

Essays and Reviews. 2 vols. $2.00.

Lectures on Literature and Life. 63 cents.

Washington and the Revolution. 20 cents.

Charles Kingsley.

Two Years Ago. A New Novel. $1.25.

Amyas Leigh. A Novel. $1.25.

Glaucus; or, the Wonders of the Shore. 50 cts.

Poetical Works. 75 cents.

The Heroes; or, Greek Fairy Tales. 75 cents.

Andromeda and other Poems. 50 cents.

Sir Walter Raleigh and his Time, &c. $1.25.

New Miscellanies. 1 vol. $1.00.


Page 5

Mrs. Howe.

Passion Flowers. 75 cents.

Words for the Hour. 75 cents.

The World's Own. 50 cents.

A Trip to Cuba. 1 vol. 16mo. 75 cents.

George S. Hillard.

Six Months in Italy. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.50.

Dangers and Duties of the Mercantile Profession.
25 cents.

Selections from the Writings of Walter Savage
1 vol. 16mo. 75 cents.

Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Elsie Venner: a Romance of Destiny. 2 vols. Cloth. $1.75.

Poems. With fine Portrait. Cloth. $1.00.

Astræa. Fancy paper. 25 cents.

The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. With Illustrations
by Hoppin. 16mo. $1.00.

The Same. Large Paper Edition. 8vo. Tinted paper. $3.00.

The Professor at the Breakfast Table. 16mo.

The Same. Large Paper Edition. 8vo. Tinted paper. $3.00.

Songs in Many Keys. A new volume. $1.25.

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1 vol. Cloth. 50 cents.

Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Essays. 1st Series. 1 vol. $1.00.

Essays. 2d Series. 1 vol. $1.00.

Miscellanies. 1 vol. $1.00.

Representative Men. 1 vol. $1.00.

English Traits. 1 vol. $1.00.

Poems. 1 vol. $1.00.

Conduct of Life. 1 vol. $1.00.


Page 6


Wilhelm Meister. Translated by Carlyle. 2 vols. $2.50.

Faust. Translated by Hayward. 75 cents.

Faust. Translated by Charles T. Brooks. $1.00.

Correspondence with a Child. Bettina. 1 vol. 12mo.

Henry Giles.

Lectures, Essays, &c. 2 vols. $1.50.

Discourses on Life. 75 cents.

Illustrations of Genius. Cloth. $1.00.

John G. Whittier.

Pocket Edition of Poetical Works. 2 vols. $1.50.

Old Portraits and Modern Sketches. 75 cents.

Margaret Smith's Journal. 75 cents.

Songs of Labor, and other Poems. Boards. 50 cts.

The Chapel of the Hermits. Cloth. 50 cents.

Literary Recreations, &c. Cloth. $1.00.

The Panorama, and other Poems. Cloth. 50 cents.

Home Ballads and Poems. A new volume. 75 cents.

Capt. Mayne Reid.

The Plant Hunters. With Plates. 75 cents.

The Desert Home: or, The Adventures of a Lost
Family in the Wilderness.
With fine Plates. $1.00.

The Boy Hunters. With fine Plates. 75 cents.

The Young Voyageurs: or, The Boy Hunters in
the North.
With Plates. 75 cents.

The Forest Exiles. With fine Plates. 75 cents.

The Bush Boys. With fine Plates. 75 cents.

The Young Yagers. With fine Plates. 75 cents.

Ran Away to Sea: An Autobiography for Boys.
With fine Plates. 75 cents.

The Boy Tar: A Voyage in the Dark. A New
Book. With fine Plates. 75 cents.

Odd People. With Plates. 75 cents.

The Same. Cheap Edition. With Plates. 50 cents.

Bruin: or, The Grand Bear Hunt. With Plates. 75 cts.


Page 7

Rev. F. W. Robertson.

Sermons. First Series, $1.00.

Sermons. Second Series, $1.00.

Sermons. Third Series, $1.00.

Sermons. Fourth Series, $1.00.

Lectures and Addresses on Literary and Social

Mrs. Jameson.

Characteristics of Women. Blue and Gold. 75 cents.

Loves of the Poets. Blue and Gold. 75 cents.

Diary of an Ennuyée. Blue and Gold. 75 cents.

Sketches of Art, &c. Blue and Gold. 75 cents.

Studies and Stories. Blue and Gold. 75 cents.

Italian Painters. Blue and Gold. 75 cents.

Legends of the Madonna. Blue and Gold. 75 cents.

Sisters of Charity. 1 vol. 16mo. 75 cents.

Grace Greenwood.

Greenwood Leaves. 1st and 2d Series. $1.25 each.

Poetical Works. With fine Portrait. 75 cents.

History of my Pets. With six fine Engravings. Scarlet
cloth. 50 cents.

Recollections of my Childhood. With six fine Engravings.
Scarlet cloth. 50 cents.

Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. $1.25.

Merrie England. 75 cents.

A Forest Tragedy, and other Tales. $1.00.

Stories and Legends. 75 cents.

Stories from Famous Ballads. Illustrated. 50 cents.

Bonnie Scotland. Illustrated. 75 cents.

Henry D. Thoreau.

Walden. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.00.

A Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers.
1 vol. 12mo. $1.25.


Page 8

Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe.

The Pearl of Orr's Island. 1 vol. $1.25.

Agnes of Sorrento. 1 vol. $1.25.

Samuel Smiles.

Life of George Stephenson, Engineer. $1.00.

Self Help; with Illustrations of Character and
With Portrait. 1 vol. 75 cents.

Brief Biographies. With Plates. $1.25.

Theodore Winthrop.

Cecil Dreeme. 1 vol. Cloth. $1.00.

John Brent. 1 vol. Cloth. $1.00.

Miss Cummins.

El Fureidis. By the Author of “The Lamplighter,” &c.

Thomas Hughes.

School Days at Rugby. By An Old Boy. 1 vol. 16mo.

The Same. Illustrated edition. $1.50.

The Scouring of the White Horse, or the Long
Vacation Holiday of a London Clerk.
By The Author
School Days at Rugby.” 1 vol. 16mo. $1.00.

Tom Brown at Oxford. A Sequel to School Days at
Rugby. 2 vols. 16mo. With fine Steel Portrait of the Author.

Mrs. Mowatt.

Autobiography of an Actress. $1.25.

Plays. Armand and Fashion. 50 cents.

Mimic Life. 1 vol. $1.25.

The Twin Roses. 1 vol. 75 cents.

Bayard Taylor.

Poems of Home and Travel. Cloth. 75 cents.

Poems of the Orient. Cloth. 75 cents.

A Poet's Journal. In Press.


Page 9

R. H. Dana, Jr.

To Cuba and Back, a Vacation Voyage, by the Author of
“Two Years before the Mast.” 75 cents.

Miscellaneous Works.


Alford's (Henry) Poems. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. $1.00.

Angel in the House: The Betrothal. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. 75 cents.

Angel in the House: The Espousals. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. 75 cents.

Arnold's (Matthew) Poems. 1 vol. 75 cents.

Aytoun's Bothwell. A Narrative Poem. 1 vol. 75

Bailey's (P. J.) The Mystic. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth.
50 cents.

Bailey's (P. J.) The Age. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. 75

Barry Cornwall's English Songs and other
1 vol. $1.00.

Barry Cornwall's Dramatic Poems. 1 vol. $1.00.

Boker's Plays and Poems. 2 vols. 16mo. Cloth.

Brooks's German Lyrics. 1 vol. $1.00.

Brooks's Faust. A new Translation. 1 vol. $1.00.

Browning's (Robert) Poems. 2 vols. $2.00.

Browning's (Robert) Men and Women. 1 vol. $1.00.

Cary's (Alice) Poems. 1 vol. $1.00.

Cary's (Phœbe) Poems and Parodies. 1 vol. 75 cts.

Fresh Hearts that Failed. By the Author of “The
New Priest.” 1 vol. 50 cents.

Hayne's Poems. 1 vol. 63 cents.

Hayne's Avolio and other Poems. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. 75 cents.

Hunt's (Leigh) Poems. 2 vols. Blue and Gold. $1.50.

Hunt's (Leigh) Rimini. 1 vol. 50 cents.

Hymns of the Ages. 1 vol. Enlarged edition. $1.25.

Hymns of the Ages. 2d Series. 1 vol. $1.25.

The Same. 8vo. Bevelled boards. Each volume, $3.00.

Johnson's (Rosa V.) Poems. 1 vol. $1.00.

Kemble's (Mrs.) Poems. 1 vol. $1.00.

Lunt's (Geo.) Lyric Poems. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth.
63 cents.

Lunt's (Geo.) Julia. 1 vol. 50 cents.


Page 10

Lockhart's (J. G.) Spanish Ballads. With Portrait.
1 vol. 75 cents.

Mackay's Poems. 1 vol. $1.00.

Massey's (Gerald) Poems. 1 vol. Blue and Gold. 75

Memory and Hope. A Collection of Consolatory Pieces.
1 vol. $2.00.

Motherwell's Poems. 1 vol. Blue and Gold. 75 cts.

Motherwell's Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern.
2 vols. $1.50.

Muloch's (Miss) Poems. (By Author of “John Halifax.”)
1 vol. 75 cents.

Owen Meredith's Poems. 1 vol. Blue and Gold. 75 cts.

Parsons's Poems. 1 vol. $1.00.

Parsons's Dante's Inferno. Translated. In Press.

Percival's Poems. 2 vols. Blue and Gold. $1.75.

Quincy's (J. P.) Charicles. A Dramatic Poem. 1 vol.
50 cents.

Quincy's (J. P.) Lyteria: A Dramatic Poem. 50 cents.

Read's (T. Buchanan) Poems. New and complete edition.
2 vols. $2.00.

Rejected Addresses. By Horace and James Smith.
New edition. 1 vol. 63 cents.

Saxe's (J. G.) Poems. With Portrait. 1 vol. 75 cents.

Saxe's (J. G.) The Money King and other Poems.
With new Portrait. 1 vol. 75 cents.

Saxe's (J. G.) Poems — the two foregoing vols. in one.

Saxe's (J. G.) Poems. Complete in Blue and Gold. With
Portrait. 75 cents.

Smith's (Alexander) Life Drama. 1 vol. 50 cents.

Smith's (Alexander) City Poems. 1 vol. 63 cents.

Smith's (Alexander) Edwin of Deira. With Portrait.
75 cents.

Stoddard's (R. H.) Poems. 1 vol. 63 cents.

Stoddard's (R. H.) Songs of Summer. 1 vol. 75 cts.

Sprague's (Charles) Poetical and Prose Works.
With Portrait. 1 vol. 88 cents.

Thackeray's Ballads. 1 vol. 75 cents.

Thalatta. A Book for the Seaside. 1 vol. 75 cents.

Warreniana. 1 vol. 63 cents.


Allston's Monaldi. A Tale. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth.
75 cents.

Arago's (Francois) Biographies of Distinguished
Scientific Men.
2 vols. 16mo. $2.00.

Arnold's (Dr. Thomas) Life and Correspondence.
Edited by A. P. Stanley. 2 vols. 12mo. Cloth. $2.00.


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Arnold's (W. D.) Oakfield. A Novel. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. $1.00.

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1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. $1.00.

Arabian Days' Entertainment. Translated from the
German, by H. P. Curtis. Illustrated. 1 vol. $1.25.

Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley. From the “Spectator.”
1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. 75 cents.

The Same. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth, gilt edge. $1.25.

Angel Voices; or, Words of Counsel for Overcoming
the World.
1 vol. 16mo. Cloth, gilt, 38; gilt
edge, 50; full gilt, 63 cents.

The Same. Holiday Edition. Tinted paper. 50 cents.

American Institute of Instruction. Lectures delivered
before the Institute in 1840-41-42-43-44-45-46-47-48-49-50-51-52-53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60.
21 vols. 12mo. Sold in
separate volumes, each 50 cents.

Bacon's (Delia) the Shaksperian Problem Solved.
With an Introduction by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1 vol. 8vo.
Cloth. $3.00.

Bartol's Church and Congregation. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. $1.00.

Bailey's Essays on Opinions and Truth. 1 vol.
16mo. Cloth. $1.00.

Barry Cornwall's Essays and Tales in Prose.
2 vols. $1.50.

Boston Book. Being Specimens of Metropolitan Literature.
Cloth, $1.25; gilt edge, $1.75; full gilt, $2.00.

Buckingham's (J. T.) Personal Memoirs. With Portrait.
2 vols. 16mo. Cloth. $1.50.

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1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. 75 cents.

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Coale's (Dr. W. E.) Hints on Health. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. 63 cents.

Combe on the Constitution of Man. 30th edition.
12mo. Cloth. 75 cents.

Chapel Liturgy. Book of Common Prayer, according
to the use of King's Chapel, Boston. 1 vol. 8vo. Sheep, $2.00;
sheep, extra, $2.50; sheep, extra, gilt edge, $3.00; morocco,
$3.50; do. gilt edge, $4.00; do. extra gilt edge, $4.50.

The Same. Cheaper edition. 1 vol. 12mo. Sheep, $1.50.

Crosland's (Mrs.) Lydia: A Woman's Book. 1 vol.
75 cents.

Crosland's (Mrs.) English Tales and Sketches.
1 vol. $1.00.

Crosland's (Mrs.) Memorable Women. Illustrated.
1 vol. $1.00.

Dana's (R. H.) To Cuba and Back. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. 75 cents.


Page 12

Dufferin's (Lord) Yacht Voyage. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. $1.00.

El Fureidis. By the author of “The Lamplighter.”
1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. $1.00.

Ernest Carroll; or, Artist-Life in Italy. 1 vol.
16mo. Cloth. 88 cents.

Fremont's Life, Explorations, and Public Services.
By C. W. Upham. With Illustrations. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. 75 cents.

Gaskell's (Mrs.) Ruth. A Novel. 8vo. Paper. 38 cts.

Guesses at Truth. By Two Brothers. 1 vol. 12mo.

Greenwood's (F. W. P.) Sermons of Consolation.
16mo. Cloth, $1.00; cloth, gilt edge, $1.50;
morocco, plain gilt edge, $2.00; morocco,
extra gilt edge, $2.50.

Greenwood's History of the King's Chapel, Boston.
12mo. Cloth. 50 cents.

Hodson's Soldier's Life in India. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth.

Howitt's (William) Land, Labor, and Gold. 2 vols.

Howitt's (William) A Boy's Adventures in Australia.
75 cents.

Howitt's (Anna Mary) An Art Student in Munich.

Howitt's (Anna Mary) A School of Life. A Story.
75 cents.

Hufeland's Art of Prolonging Life. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. 75 cents.

Jerrold's (Douglas) Life. By his Son. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. $1.00.

Jerrold's (Douglas) Wit. By his Son. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. 75 cents.

Judson's (Mrs. E. C.) Alderbrook. By Fanny Forrester.
2 vols. $1.75.

Judson's (Mrs. E. C.) The Kathayan Slave, and
other Papers.
1 vol. 63 cents.

Judson's (Mrs. E. C.) My two Sisters: A Sketch
from Memory.
50 cents.

Kavanagh's (Julia) Seven Years. 8vo. Paper. 30

Kingsley's (Henry) Geoffry Hamlyn. 1 vol. 12mo.
Cloth. $1.25.

Krapf's Travels and Researches in Eastern
1 vol. 12mo. Cloth. $1.25.

Leslie's (C. R.) Autobiographical Recollections.
Edited by Tom Taylor. With Portrait. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth.

Lake House. From the German of Fanny Lewald.
1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. 75 cents.


Page 13

Lowell's (Rev. Dr. Charles) Practical Sermons.
1 vol. 12mo. Cloth.

Lowell's (Rev. Dr. Charles) Occasional Sermons.
With fine Portrait. 1
vol. 12mo. Cloth. $1.25.

Light on the Dark River; or, Memoirs of Mrs.
1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. $1.00.

The Same. 16mo. Cloth, gilt edge. $1.50.

Longfellow (Rev. S.) and Johnson (Rev. S.) A book
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63 cents.

Labor and Love. A Tale of English Life. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. 50 cents.

Lee's (Mrs. E. B.) Memoir of the Buckminsters.

Lee's (Mrs. E. B.) Florence, the Parish Orphan.
50 cents.

Lee's (Mrs. E. B.) Parthenia. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.00.

Lunt's (George) Three Eras in the History of
New England.
1 vol. $1.00.

Mademoiselle Mori: A Tale of Modern Rome. 1 vol
12mo. Cloth. $1.25.

M`Clintock's Narrative of the Search for Sir
John Franklin.
Library edition. With Maps and Illustrations.
1 vol. small 8vo. $1.50.

The Same. Popular Edition. 1 vol. 12mo. 75 cents.

Mann's (Horace) Thoughts for a Young Man.
1 vol. 25 cents.

Mann's (Horace) Sermons. 1 vol. $1.00.

Mann's (Mrs. Horace) Physiological Cookery-Book.
1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. 63 cents.

Melville's Holmby House. A Novel. 8vo. Paper.
50 cents.

Mitford's (Miss) Our Village. Illustrated. 2 vols.
16mo. $2.50.

Mitford's (Miss) Atherton, and other Stories.
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Morley's Life of Palissy the Potter. 2 vols. 16mo.
Cloth. $1.50.

Mountford's Thorpe. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. $1.00.

Norton's (C. E.) Travel and Study in Italy. 1 vol.
16mo. Cloth. 75 cents.

New Testament. A very handsome edition, fine paper
and clear type. 12mo. Sheep binding, plain, $1.00; roan,
plain, $1.50; calf, plain, $1.75; calf, gilt edge, $2.00; Turkey
morocco, plain, $2.50; do. gilt edge, $3.00.

Otis's (Mrs. H. G.) The Barclays of Boston. 1 vol
Cloth. $1.25.

Parsons's (Theophilus) Life. By his Son. 1 vol. 12mo.
Cloth. $1.50.


Page 14

Prescott's History of the Electric Telegraph.
Illustrated. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth. $1.75.

Poore's (Ben Perley) Louis Philippe. 1 vol. 12mo.
Cloth. $1.00.

Phillips's Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy.
With numerous additions to the Introduction. By Francis Alger.
With numerous Engravings. 1 vol. New edition in press.

Prior's Life of Edmund Burke. 2 vols. 16mo. Cloth.

Rab and his Friends. By John Brown, M. D. Illustrated.
15 cents.

Sala's Journey Due North. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. $1.00.

Scott's (Sir Walter) Ivanhoe. In one handsome volume.

Sidney's (Sir Philip) Life. By Mrs. Davis. 1 vol.
Cloth. $1.00.

Shelley Memorials. Edited by the Daughter-in-law
of the Poet. 1 vol. 16mo. 75 cents.

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1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. 75 cents.

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1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. 75 cents.

Semi-Detached House. A Novel. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth.
75 cents.

Smith's (William) Thorndale; or, The Conflict
of Opinions.
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Sumner's (Charles) Orations and Speeches. 2 vols.
16mo. Cloth. $2.50.

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Cloth. $1.25.

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True Womanhood. A Novel. By John Neal. 1 vol.

Tuckerman's Poems. 1 vol. 75 cents.

Taylor's (Henry) Notes from Life. 1 vol. 16mo.
Cloth. 50 cents.

Trelawny's Recollections of Shelley and Byron.
1 vol. 16mo. Cloth. 75 cents.

Warren's (Dr. John C.) Life. By Edward Warren,
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