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Villagers Contribute
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Villagers Contribute

The Village is a working
farm where everyone has a job
which contributes to the
support of the entire
community. Thus, the people
of Innisfree are able to produce
many of their daily needs right
on the farm.

Providing its own beef,
dairy products, eggs, vegetables
and bread, the village is able to
recover a portion of its
operating expenses by
marketing locally beef cattle,
cereal, eggs and bread, which
the Villagers make in their own
bakery. "Our aim, of course, is
to be fully self-sufficient," says
Mr. Kramp

The Village also has a
woodworking shop and
weavery in which the
community produces furniture,
toys and simple woven articles.
This too has aided Innisfree in

the process of becoming

Nor is Innisfree expecting
sometime in the future to
receive substantial federal,
state or local funds. In time, it
is expected that produce and
product sales will account for
as much as 30% of the Village's
income. For now, though,
Innisfree must rely heavily on
individual contributions. This,
together with contributions
from tax-exempt foundations
and a $300 monthly tuition
required of every Villager, has
helped Innisfree to survive.