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Abbott, Charles C., 341

Abell, Earl, 115, 116

Abernethy, Thomas P., 82, 463, 578

Abraham, Henry J., 443

Academic achievement, 302, 476,

Academic policy, 2, 468; class cuts,
447; class schedule, 19; course
evaluation, 337; division plan,
328; examinations, 10, 31, 447;
grading system, 252; honors
program, 170, 336-37, 428,
468; independent study, 337,
425-26, 447; reading days, 425;
seminars, 336, 401, 447, 448;
terms, 328

"Academical village," 1

Academies, 31

Ackart, Richard J., 350

Administration, 120, 137, 140,
330-34; of Edwin Anderson
Alderman, 44-60, 61-136; assistant
to the president, 131-32,
427, 456; building and grounds,
395; bursar, 268; chairman of
the faculty, 7, 34, 35, 42; comptroller,
330; of Colgate W. Darden,
Jr., 271-421; deanships,
34, 35, 61, 67, 68, 106, 108,
175, 219-20, 252, 331-33, 410,
427, 428, 456, 458, 471, 472;
executive vice-president, 596;
of Frank L. Hereford, Jr.,
595-96, 598; housing director,
332; of John Lloyd Newcomb,
137-229; offices, 456-59; president,
42; provost, 333-34, 431,
456, 457; public relations and
development, 427, 457; rector,
252, 254, 614; registrar, 105,
249, 252, 332-33; of Edgar F.
Shannon, Jr., 422-66, 508-29;
student affairs, 284, 286, 287,
332, 446-47, 458; vice-presidents,
457; see also specific disciplines

Admissions policy, 45, 78, 170, 172,
252, 330-32, 427, 456, 458,
505, 591

Agriculture, 28

Air Force Reserve Officers' Training
Corps, 300

Akerman, Alfred, 360

Albemarle Academy, 2

Alcoholic beverages, 89, 90, 92-94,
96-97, 149-50, 152, 293-94,
296, 471

Alden, Harold L., 267

Alderman, Edwin Anderson, 42,
44-60, 61-136; awards, 63;
biographical data, 42; on coeducation,
68-69; death,
135-36; evaluation, 42, 44,
128-32, 134-36; illness with
tuberculosis, 44, 62, 134-35;
on medical college merger plan,
69-70, 72; on research, 79-80,

Alderman Library, 383-86, 388; acquisitions,
188-89; administration,
552-53; archives, 384-85;
Barrett collection, 383-84, 553;


Page 626
Bland letters, 386; Bruce collection,
255; Bryan collection,
386, 388; building program,
552, 576; cartoon collection,
255, 553; Chinese collection,
553; Cocke collection, 255;
Coleman collection, 188-89;
collections, 254-55; Darwin
collection, 255; dedication, 186;
Dos Passos collection, 460;
Faulkner collection, 459; funding,
186, 188, 592; Garnett
Room, 189; Gee collection, 415;
Glass collection, 255; Jefferson
letters, 188; librarians, 38586;
McCabe collection, 108-9;
McGregor collection, 188; McIntire
collection, 123; Moran
medal, 225-26; optics collection,
388; portrait acquisition,
189, 553; Randolph letters, 255,
386; Stone collection, 396; Tennyson
collection, 553; Tucker
letters, 386; yellow fever archive,

Alexander, Bevin, 550

Alford, Neil, 584

Allen, Susie, 565

Alumni, 55-57, 82, 119-20, 122,
207-8, 210-12, 264, 396, 566;
geographic distribution, 56869;
Medal of Freedom winners,
248; Medal of Honor winners,
248; in public life, 52; reunions,
56, 207, 208; writers,

Alumni Association, 55-57, 208,
210, 264-65, 566-69; awards,
568, 602, 603; secretary (director),
55-57, 119, 122, 396, 398,

Alumni Association Distinguished
Professor Award, 602

Alumni Association Distinguished
Student Award, 603

Alumni Fund, 120, 207-8, 264, 398,

Alumni Hall, 208, 395-96

Alumni News, 56, 119, 122, 212, 396,

Alvey, Edward, Jr., 366-67

Ambrose, Dick, 560

American Ambulance, 57

American Council on Education,
survey of, 589

American Liberty League, 147

American Student Union, 226

Ammonette, Clarence O., 180

Anarchists, 508-9

Anatomical Theater, 190

Anderson, Jeff, 559

Anderson Brothers' Bookstore, 61

Anglo-Saxon Clubs of America, 66

Applied Ethics, Center for the Study
of, 344

Appropriations, 22, 30, 45, 105,
106, 141, 327, 589, 590; initial
funding, 4, 6

Archer, Vincent W., 378

Architects, 4, 24, 40-41, 182, 186,
188, 574, 575

Architectural style, 1, 29, 41; evaluation,

Architecture: accreditation, 360;
building program, 573-74;
curriculum, 362, 582; degree
program, 360, 362; faculty, 379,
464, 466, 580, 582, 583; professorship,
443; scholarships, 443

Army Signal Corps, 300

Arnette, Gene, 559

Art. See Fine Arts

Arthur P. Gray IV Memorial Scholarship,
466, 605

Association of American Universities,

Association system, 334, 336

Astor, Vicountess (Nancy Langhorne),

Astronomy: faculty, 267; research,
432, 434

Athletic Association, 36

Athletic Council, 110

Athletics, 19-20, 36, 52, 54-55, 62,
110, 112-16, 118-19, 153, 163,
192, 194-98, 200-204, 206-7,
239, 312, 314-16, 318-22,
324-27, 556-60, 562-66; administration,
115, 194-95, 316,
318-20; admission standards
and, 559; building program,
36, 42, 55, 66, 192; cheerleaders,
489, 565; coaches, 54, 55,
112, 115, 116, 118, 192, 194-95,
197-98, 203-4, 312, 315, 318,


Page 627
324, 325, 556-60, 562-64; director,
196, 197; field house,
326; fields, 42, 192; Gooch Report,
318-20; grants, 105, 113,
564; intramural, 206-7, 325,
365-66; professionalism, 52;
scholarships, 195-97, 316, 318,
319; sportsmanship, 114; for
women, 564-65; see also specific

Atlantic Coast Conference, 320, 559

Auer, J. Jeffery, 304

Automobiles, 244, 252, 290, 292,

Bad Check Committee, 158-59,

Bagby, J. H. C., 36

Baker, Benjamin M., Jr., 112

Baker, Zula Mae (Mrs. Raymond C.
Bice), 441

Bakhtiar, Jim, 322

Balch, Emily Clark, 388

Baldwin, Charles F., 460

Balthis, R. M., 61

Balz, Albert G. A., 374, 414

Balz Philosophy Fund, 414

Band, 113, 163, 198, 201-2, 209-10,

Baptist Student Union, 311

Bardin, James C., 411

Barr, Stringfellow, 102, 222-23, 336

Barrett, C. Waller, 383-84, 553, 576

Barringer, Paul B., 35-36, 66, 220,

Barringer, Paul B., Jr., 212

Barron, William J., 173

Baruch, Bernard M., 126

Base Hospital 41 (World War I), 14,
41, 57, 73, 76

Baseball, 36, 52, 54, 112, 113, 194,
322, 556, 563, 564

Basketball, 62, 114, 118, 194, 204,
322, 324, 556, 560, 562

Baumes, Harold I., 446

Beams, Jesse W., 235-36, 246, 338,
377, 432, 463

Beardmore, Clayton, 563

Beaux Arts Ball, 90, 305

Beazley, Roy C., 352

Belitt, Ben, 181

Belsheim, E. O., 173

Beltran, Pedro, 460

Bemiss, Samuel M., 548

Bemiss House, 548

Benton, Arthur F., 582

Berdahl, James E., 201

Berkeley, Francis L., Jr., 330-31,
384-85, 386, 583

Berkeley, Norborne, 55

Berry, Ruth, 235

"Beta" (mascot), 224-25

Betts, Mrs. Edwin, 416

Bice, Raymond C., 332, 456

Binford, Jesse H., 431

Bingham, Robert Worth, 120

Biology: curriculum, 79, 174; faculty,
79, 267-68, 406, 431;
grants, 338; research, 359-60

Birckhead, F. F., 223

Birckhead, W. B., 223

Bird, Robert M., 34

Birdsong, McLemore, 584

Bishop, Eloise Virginia, 144

Black Culture Week, 485

Black History Week, 485

Black Students Alliance, 485

Blackburn, George, 558, 559

Blackford, Staige D., 234-35, 400

Blackford, Staige D., Jr., 549

Blacks, 146, 379-80, 467, 480,
482-86, 526

Blaettermann, George, 7, 14-15

Blandy Experiment Farm, 359-60

Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 16, 26

Board of Arbitration, 158-59

Board of Visitors, 120, 330-31;
parents and children, 615; secretary,
456; student representative,

Boat races, 36

Bohannon, M. T., 112

Bonnycastle, Charles, 7

Booker, Betty, 89, 588

Booth, William A., 210-11

Bosserman, Joseph N., 582

Bowers, Fredson T., 374, 428, 456,

Boxing, 112-13, 115, 116, 192, 194,
202-4, 312, 314, 566

Boyd, T. Munford, 236, 583

Brandt, Richard M., 444, 466

Briggs, Peter, 48, 50

Britton, Sydney W., 408

Brooks Museum, 29


Page 628

Brown, Charlie, 61, 222

Brown, David Ellis, 112, 115

Brown, Willie, 61

Bruce, David K. E., 426, 427

Brundage, Mary, 565

Bryan, Albert V., 466

Bryan, John Stewart, 63, 386

Buchanan, James M., 348

Buchanan, Scott, 222-23

Buckler, Leslie, 173

Building maintenance, 181-82

Building program, 24-25, 182,
184-86, 188, 390, 392-95;
569-70, 572-76, 578, 592;
master site plan, 572-73; see
also specific structures and disciplines

Burris, Gordon, 563

Burrows, Harold M., Jr., 312

Burton, Edwin W., 580

Bus service, 502

Business administration: building
program, 343-44, 575; curriculum,
342-43; deanship, 341,
344; degree programs, 343,
346; faculty, 341-42, 343, 583;
graduate programs, 340-44,
346-47; grants, 344, 346-47;
research program, 213-14

Cabaniss Memorial School for
Nursing Education, 408

Cabell, James Lawrence, 16

Cabell, Joseph Carrington, 3

Cabell Hall, 41; annex, 392

Cabrera, Nicolas, 430

Calathump, 21-22

Caldwell, Erskine, 102

Callis, Mildred, 251

Cambodia, 517, 521, 523

Campbell, Edmund S., 182, 188,
360, 362, 574

Campbell, Eldridge H., 112

Campbell, G. J., 112

Campus unrest, 448, 450, 507-29

Canevari, Robert T., 458, 500

Capers, Bud, 239

Caplin, Mortimer F., 202, 426-27

Cappon, Lester J., 185, 384

Caputo, Mac, 563

Carliner, David, 226

Carlson, Chester F., 440

Carnegie Commission on Higher
Education, 590

Carrière, Joseph M., 373

Carroll's Tea Room, 296

Carruthers, Elmer I., 268

Carruthers, Thomas M., 115

Carson, A. C., 180

Carter, Gardner L., 404

Castleman, Charles, 112

Catlin, Avery, 596

Cauthen, Irby B., Jr., 427, 466

Cavalier, 98

Cavalier Daily, 181, 306, 511, 552

Cavalier Party, 301

"Cavalier Song, The," 114-15

Cavaliers, 115

Centennial celebration, 60, 62-64

Centennial Endowment Fund, 63,
64, 66

Center for Advanced Studies, 432,

Central College, 2-4

Chandler, Charles H., 395

Chapel, 41-42; organ, 393; services,

Chaplain, 13

Charter, 4

Chartered Financial Analysts, Institute
of, 346

Chemistry, 28; building program,
572; faculty, 26, 261, 265, 374,
377, 404, 430-31, 580, 582;
grants, 106, 338

Cherry, Ralph W., 359

Chicago Seven, 518-19

Child Development Center, 444

Childress, C. M., 223

Chioni, Rose Marie, 441

Christian, Archer, 54

Christian, George L., 26

Circle of King's Daughters, 74

Civil defense, 231-32

Civil War, 25-26, 28

Clark, William Andrews, Jr., 105,

Clark Hall, 182

Class Officers' Association, 56

Class system, 56, 120, 274, 304

Classical languages, 256; curriculum,
14; faculty, 6, 15, 26, 29,
125, 399-400, 404

Clemons, Harry, 108, 109, 185, 189,


Page 629

Clinch Valley College, 370, 430

Cobb, John B., 106

Cocke, Betty, 88-89, 588-89

Cocke, John Hartwell, 3, 12

Cocke, M. Estes, 180

Coeducation, 68, 162, 369, 380,
382-83, 467, 489-92, 494-95,
526, 564-65; court suit, 491-92;
see also Women students

Cohen, Edwin S., 463

Cohen, Ralph, 549

Cole, James W., Jr., 364, 451

Coleman, Algernon, 188-89

Coleman, Lewis Minor, 26

Coleman, Robert V., 466

Colgate Darden Graduate School of
Business Administration, 34244,

Collective bargaining, 526

College board examinations, 330;
see also Scholastic Aptitude Test

College Bowl, 497

College Topics, 36, 98, 180-81, 251,

Collegian, The, 14

Colonnade Club, 3, 578

Colors, 37, 324

Combs, Morgan L., 366-68

Commerce. See Business administration;

Community colleges, 430

Community service, 495-97

Computers, 572

Connor, Jay, 563

Continuing education, 364, 444,
451; deanship, 364

Cooper, Weldon, 331, 333, 444, 456

Coordinate college plan, 51, 6869,
366; see also Coeducation;
Women students

Copeland, Lammot duPont, 436

Copeley Hill, 250, 297-98, 396

Corbett, Percy E., 436

Corks and Curls, 36, 515-16

Corner, the, 46, 47, 61, 242, 244

Cornerstone, 3

Cornish Game Hen, Society of the,

Corrigan, Eugene F., 557, 563

Counseling, 503-4

Counseling Center, 501

Courtenay, Edward H., 16

Cowen, Walker, 548

Cox, James A. D., 466

Craighill, Edward H., Jr., 37

Cramer, Chris, 251

Crawford, Edwin M., 457

Crenshaw, Lewis D., 55-57, 119,

Cresciolo, Marguiretta, 97-98

Crispell, Kenneth R., 437, 440, 457

Cross, Robert D., 428, 458

Cross, Virginia, 288

Cross Fraternity Scholarship Award,

Cruso, Mike, 563

Crust, 252

Crutchfield, W. Gayle, 586

Cubbage, Mike, 563

Culbreth, David M. R., 574

Culbreth, Sarah Gilder, 574

Cumming, Henry H., Jr., 113, 266

Cuozzo, Gary, 557

Curriculum, 447-48, 450-52; see
also specific disciplines

Cyphert, Frederick E., 444

Dabney, Richard Heath, 34-35, 61,
80, 267

Dabney, Virginius, 239

Dabney, Walter D., 34

Dabney, William C., 34

D'Alfonce, J. E., 19

Dalton, Jack, 385-86

Dances, 20, 89-90, 152, 241-42,
294, 296, 305

Darden, Colgate W., Jr., 271-421;
biographical data, 271; evaluation,
417-18, 420-21; on fraternities,
272-73, 276, 286,
287; government assignments,
372-73; inauguration, 273; retirement,
417; student protests
and, 286-87

Darden, Mrs. Colgate, 417-18

Darden, Pierre, 416-17

Davis, Arthur Kyle, 465

Davis, Caroline Preston, 50

Davis, Mrs. Eunice, 210-11

Davis, Harrison, 560

Davis, John A. G., 12, 16; murder, 9

Davis, John Staige, 18, 76, 218

Davis, John Staige, II, 18

Davis, John Staige, IV, 18

Davis, Lambert, 102, 180

Davis, Noah K., 30


Page 630

Davis, Robert E., Jr., 558

Dawson, Fred, 116, 192, 194

Dawson's Row, 24-25

Day, Douglas, 464

Dayton, Lang, 204

Dean's list, 501

Debate, 304, 497-98

Declaration, The, 552

Degree programs, 2, 13-14, 31, 32,
169-70, 591; see also specific disciplines

Delauney, Clay E., 398, 569

Dell, Donald, 564

Demonstrations, 507-29; policy on,
508, 511

De Porry, André C., 444, 451

Devereaux, Kathy, 565

Dillard, Hardy C., 173, 216, 232,
257, 376, 436, 437

Dilts, Dottie, 565

Dinwiddie, Marcus W., 113

Diplomat in residence, 460

Discrimination, 480; see also Blacks;

Distinguished Students, 160, 162

Dobie, Armistead M., 63, 79, 124,
172, 173, 178-79, 306, 308,

Dodge, Mrs. William E., 42

Dormitories, 88, 142-44, 570;
counselors, 503-4; for women,
492; women guests, 488, 489-90

Douglas, E. Lee, 112

Drama: building program, 573, 574;
curriculum, 309, 310; faculty,
411; grants, 574

Drash, E. Cato, 235, 583

Drinking behavior. See Alcoholic
beverages; Prohibition

Driver, James G., 115-16, 197

Drucker, William R., 440

Drug abuse, 472-74

Dry Dock, 242

Dudley, William M., 200-201, 322

Dueling, 12

Dunglison, Robley, 7

Dunn, Nellie P., 189

Dunnington, Francis P., 265

Du Pont, Philip Francis, 84, 338,
498, 500

Du Pont scholarships, 338

Duren, William L., Jr., 333, 427,

Dyke, 21

Eager, George B., 79, 173, 265

Eager, George B., III, 398

Easter Week (Easters), 89-90, 154,
278-79, 477-78

Eastern Shore College, 430

Echols, William H., 34, 40, 218, 425

Economics: curriculum, 304, 364;
deanship, 347; degree program,
347; faculty, 261-62,
347-48, 379, 406, 410, 411-12,
463-64, 465; grants, 64; professorships,
453; scholarships,
406, 412

Education: accreditation, 359;
building program, 444; curriculum,
44, 105, 357-59;
deanship, 105, 357, 359, 444;
degree program, 357-58; entrance
requirements, 443-44;
faculty, 104, 105, 407, 408, 444,
466; research, 358, 444

Edwards, George, 564

Egger, Rowland, 213, 257, 333, 364,
373, 428

8th Evacuation Hospital, 234-35

Eli Banana, 37-38, 92, 305

Elias, William T., 557, 558

Ellen Bayard Weedon Foundation,

Elwood, William A., 483

Elzinga, Kenneth C., 465

Eminent Scholars Fund, 424

Emmet, John P., 7, 8

Endowed chairs, 460, 607-12

Endowment, 396, 424, 428, 590

Engineering: building program, 175,
182; curriculum, 28, 34, 79,
232, 354, 356-57, 434-35;
deanship, 34, 61, 175, 218-19,
266, 354, 356, 435; degree program,
354, 356-57; faculty, 32,
34, 228-29, 232, 262, 264, 435,
462, 466, 578, 583, 584, 586;
grants, 356; research, 356-57

English: curriculum, 14, 32, 252;
faculty, 18, 29, 32, 50, 80, 252,
374, 401, 402, 404, 464-65,

Ennion G. Williams Preventorium,


Page 631

Enrollment, 6, 24, 28, 31, 44, 57, 61,
84, 164, 249, 279, 330, 430,
494-95, 504-5; blacks, 592;
with coeducation, 494-95, 592;
geographic distribution, 24, 44,
78, 256, 505, 591-92; from
public vs. private schools, 44;
religious distribution, 164, 249,

Equal Opportunity, 483, 486

Ern, Ernest H., 456, 458

Evaluation Research Center, 444

Evans, Thomas H., 228, 232

"Exhibition drinking," 293, 294

Experimental University, 448, 450

Extension Division, 104, 173-74,
236, 260, 363-64, 369-70, 372;
see also Continuing education

Extracurricular activities, 470-71;
see also specific activities

Faculty: adequacy, 79; compensation,
14, 26, 28, 83-84, 172,
173, 328, 330, 424-25, 590;
dress, 470; government appointments,
463-64; grants,
428, 432; initial, 2, 6-7; recognition,
175-76, 178, 255,
261-62, 264, 372-79, 462-66;
sabbaticals, 336; statistics, 45,
428, 430; tenure, 453-54; see
also specific disciplines

Farmer, Frances, 211-12

Farmington Country club, 480, 486

Faulkner, W. Harrison, 400-401

Faulkner, William, 388-89, 459

Fayerweather Hall, 36, 184, 574

FBI Academy (Quantico), 451

F. D. G. Ribble Scholarship Fund,

Federal Executive Institute, 452

Federal grants, 424; see also specific

Feldman, Ellen, 565

Fellowships, 330, 428, grants, 84;
see also specific disciplines

Fenwick Auditorium, 441

Ferebee, J. Smith, 206

Ferguson, George O., Jr., 105, 175,
252, 331, 333, 412

Fickenscher, Arthur, 223

Field hockey, 565

Finals, 497; orators, 29

Fine arts, 362-63; building program,
182, 184, 573; faculty,
443, 588; grants, 63-64, 123,
182; portrait acquisition, 182

Finger, Frank, 563

Finley, J. N. C., 372

Fishback, William H., Jr., 550

Fitz-Hugh, G. Slaughter, 376

Fitzhugh, Thomas, 109

Fitz Patrick, Thomas K., 362, 379,
580, 582

Fletcher, Richard R., 284, 286,

Flippin, Harrison F., 113

Flippin, James C., 76, 178, 220

Floyd, Edwin E., 428, 458

Floyd, Lucy Lou, 251

Food service, 10, 393, 578

Football, 36, 52, 54-55, 62, 112-16,
118, 192, 194, 197-98, 200-201,
250, 278-80, 314-16, 321-22,
324, 471, 556-60; Gooch Report
and, 318-20

Footstamping, 160

Forbes, John D., 341

Foreign Service and International
Affairs, Institute of, 256-57;
grants, 257

Forestry: faculty, 412; research, 360

Frankel, Charles J., 351

Frantz, Ray W., Jr., 552

Fraternities, 21, 271-74, 276-80,
282-84, 286-89; academic
achievement and, 272, 476;
black, 484, 486; community
service, 476; drinking restriction,
94; first-year students and,
273-74, 276; hazing, 288; honorary,
163; house maintenance,
280, 282, 474; as housing, 272;
membership, 279; opposition
to, 272, 474, 476, 477; policy
on, 288; political activity, 301;
regulations, 276-77, 287-88;
rushing, 87, 162, 276, 288, 477,
478; social behavior in, 152,
273, 278, 279, 280, 282, 472,
473, 477-78; student offices
and, 157-58; women guests,
90, 277, 288, 490

Frederick, Laurence W., 434

Friends of the University, 402, 404

Fuller, Frank L., III, 204


Page 632

Fuller, Robert, 318

Fuller, Steward R., 77-78

Funsten, Robert V., 400

Garden Club of Virginia, 392

Gardens, See Landscape architecture

Garnett, James M., 32

Gaver, Harry H., 230

Gay, Thomas B., 212

Gay Student Union, 479-80

Gee, Wilson, 82, 167, 333, 414-15

Gelard, Frank A., 378, 441

General Athletic Association, 110,

Gentry, Fenton, 203

Geology, 28; faculty, 124, 414, 586

George Mason College, 372, 430

Germino, Dante L., 465

Gianakos, Nick, 244

Gianakos brothers, 244

Gianniny, O. Allen, Jr., 452

Gibbs, Daniel L., Jr., 311

Gibson, Bill, 562

Gibson, Eleanor, 354

Gibson, John E., 435

Gildersleeve, Basil L., 15, 26

Gilmer, Francis Walker, 6

Glasgow, Ellen, 214

Glee Club, 162-63, 309, 465

Glenn, Garrard, 173, 176, 399

Glosser, Earl, 501

Godine, Richard L., 458

Goldstein, Bobby, 202

Golf, 114, 206

Gonon, Isabelle, 367

Gooch, Robert K., 54, 216, 257, 333,
446, 454, 579-80

Gooch Report, 318-20

"Good Old Song, The," 37, 114

Goodhart, Arthur L., 572

Goodwin, William H., 57, 74, 76

Gordon, Armistead C., Jr., 404

Government, 212-13; degree program,
446; faculty, 266, 406-7,
443, 579, 582; fellowships, 446;
grants, 453; professorship, 446;
public affairs center, 453; scholarships,

Government, Institute of, 444, 446

Graduate division, 44, 79-80, 82-83,
166-67, 168; deanship, 61, 80,
168, 267, 334, 401, 407-8,
441-42; degree program, 79,
83, 164, 334; faculty, 80; grants,
82; research, 80, 82-83, 16667,
435; statistics, 442; student
activities, 470-71

Graduate Students' Center, 334

Graebner, Norman A., 442

Graham, William Patton, 401

Grand marshal, 454

Graves, Charles A., 79, 124-25

Graves Mountain Lodge retreats,
509, 511-12

Green, Julien, 102

Greenway, Addison, 52

Gregory, Charles S., 376-77

Guepe, Art, 198, 315, 320

Guerry, duPont, III, 175

Gullion, Allen W., 232

Gwathmey, Allan T., 374, 392, 430,
578, 585

Gwathmey, Roberta H., 466, 488

Gymnasium, 19-20, 66

Hahn, Archie, 118-19, 204, 324

Hahn, Archie, Jr., 202

Hale, Oron J., 373-74, 463

Hamblin, Mary Jeffcoat, 68

Hamilton, Mrs. Robert P., 89

Hammer, Chucker, 559

Hammond, Lewis M., 260, 334, 441

Hannah, Don, 325

Harlequin, 290

Harman, Bill, 204

Harris, Robert J., 428, 456

Harris, Wesley, 480

Harrison, Dabney Carr, 13

Harrison, Gessner, 9, 15

Harrison, James A., 32

Hart, Andrew D., 584

Hart, Francis R., 465

Hart, James, 406-7

Hartfield, Joseph M., 436

Hartman, Frank E., 395

Hartt, Frederick, 443

Harvey E. Jordan Medical Education
building, 575

Hawley, Duncan, 204

Health Sciences Library and Information
Center, 576

Heck, William Harry, 58, 105

Heck, Mrs. William Harry (Anna
Tuttle), 105, 249

Hedges, Halstead S., 76, 586


Page 633

Hench, Atcheson L., 465

Hench, Philip S., 553

Henderson, Charles, 356, 579

Henneman, Richard H., 584

Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable
Foundation, 436

Hereford, Frank L., Jr., 244, 248,
264, 378, 431, 441, 457, 595-96,
598; biographical data, 595; inauguration,

Hereford, Mrs. Frank L. (Ann Lane),

Hereford, T. Graham, 452, 497

HEW grants, 437

Hicks, Joe, 322

Hiden, Martin, 310

Highway Investigation and Research,
Virginia Council of,
354, 356

History: curriculum, 484; degree
program, 442; faculty, 18, 34,
222, 373, 378, 441-42, 463,
465, 466, 578, 583; fellowships,

Hobbs, William A., 456-57

Hodkinson, Sidney P., 309

Hofheimer, Tom, 383

Holladay, Lewis H., 34

Holland, Terry, 562

Hollingsworth, Roberta (Mrs. Allan
T. Gwathmey), 68

Holmes, George Frederick, 18

Holmes, W. C., 26

Homecoming, 250

Honor System, 31, 47, 110, 158,
159-60, 239-41, 289-90, 53046;
appeals under, 540-41;
athletic scholarships and, 19697;
Blue Sheet, 534, 542; coeducation
and, 490-91; criticism
of, 536-37, 540; enforcement
code, 531; examination guidelines,
535-36; expulsion under,
240-41, 532-34, 537, 541; false
musters and, 239-40; graduated
penalties, 535, 53738,
542; honor cards, 531;
Honor Committee, 239-41,
531, 532, 537; indoctrination,
535, 536, 540, 541, 543-44,
546; introduction of, 10; jurisdiction
limits, 537, 538; offenses
under, 287, 534-35,
541-42; trials under, 531-32,
538, 540, 544

Hook, Cindy, 565

Hornsby, John A., 77

Horsley, Shelton, 312

Hoskins, Robert N., 206

Hospital, 35; accreditation, 77;
administration, 260-61, 350;
building program, 184, 392,
395; funding, 350

Hot Feet, 45-46

"Hotels," 10

Hough, Theodore, 61, 69-70, 72,

Housing, 19, 88-89, 142-44, 24950,
272, 390, 392, 394-95;
apartments, 576; on the Lawn,
298; for veterans, 297, 396; for
women, 492

Howard, Linda, 485

Howell, Henry, 244

Hoxton, Archibald R., 52

Hoxton, Llewellyn G., 80, 246, 407

Humanities: editor-training center,
452-53; grants, 451-52; institutes,

Humphreys, Milton W., 125

Humphreys, William Jackson, 431

Hunter, Thomas H., 350, 437, 440,

Hutter, Edward S., 25

Hyde, Duncan Clark, 406

Hyde, Forrest J., 342

IMP Society, 46; award, 332, 604

Individualism, 86, 152-53, 156,
251, 468

Infirmary, 10

Influenza epidemic, 58

Information Services, 550

Institutional Analysis, Office of, 444

Interfaith Council, 311

Interfraternity Council, 277, 278

International affairs: curriculum,
256-57; degree program, 257

Intramural athletics, 206-7

Irvine, Jed H., 112, 210

Ivey F. Lewis Honor Loan System,

Jackson, Alice, 146

Jackson, Thomas Jonathan (Stonewall),


Page 634

James Wilson School of Economics,

Jameson, T., 61

Jefferson, Thomas: as founder, 1-9;
student relationships, 8

Jefferson Society, 12, 109-10, 148,

Jeffress, Mrs. Robert M., 578

Jeffrey, Robert C., 304

Jewish students, 78, 383

John Cook Wyllie Memorial Fund,

John Randolph Society, 498

Johnson, Elizabeth, 483

Johnson, Louis, 244-45

Johnson, Nathan, 480

Johnson's, 89, 242, 244

Jones, Archer, 370

Jones, Chapin, 412

Jones, Jesse H., 257

Jones, W. Catesby, 212

Jordan, Harvey E., 178, 234

Jordan, Henry, 322

Josephine McLeod School of Nursing,

Journalism, 179

Judge Advocate General's School,
354, 394; building program,

Judicial Committee, 159

Kauffmann, Charles H., 226, 228,
231, 404

Kaulback, Frank S., Jr., 347, 463

Kellogg, Marion K., 212

Kelly, Barbara, 564

Kenan, William R., Jr., 452

Kennedy, Edward M., 308

Kennedy, John F., 426

Kennedy, Robert F., 308, 426

Kent, Charles W., 32

Kent State, 517-18, 520-22, 526

Kepner, William A., 79, 174, 267-68

Key, Thomas H., 6

Kimball, Fiske, 362, 573

Kincaid, E. A., 410-11

Kindred, James E., 580

Kohler, Charlotte, 388, 549

Korean War, 299-300; memorial
tablet, 425

Kraitsir, Charles, 15

Ku Klux Klan, 66-67

Lacrosse, 114, 318, 325, 562-63

Lambeth, Bolling, 217

Lambeth, William A., 42, 110,

Lambeth field, 42, 55, 192

Landscape architecture, 47, 392-93

Langhorne, Cary D., 574

Lankford, Francis G., Jr., 105, 358,

Lannigan, Henry H., 55, 112, 118,

LaRowe, Johnny, 61, 112, 203

Latrobe, Benjamin H., 4

Lauck, William Jeff, 353

"Laughing-Gas Day," 21

Laura Spelman Rockefeller Foundation,

Lautenschlager, Edward W., 333

Law: admission requirements, 7879;
building program, 182,
575; curriculum, 7-8, 45, 79,
435-37; deanship, 61, 172, 179,
219, 236, 435-36, 437; degree
program, 13, 255, 256, 436-37;
faculty, 7, 9, 10, 12, 18, 30, 34,
79, 123, 124, 172-73, 179-80,
222, 236, 265, 376-77, 399,
408, 410, 435-37, 463, 583,
584, 586; grants, 105, 182, 436,
437, 440, 575; library, 172, 173,
211-12, 353, 575; placement
program, 354; scholarships,
426; student body, 353

Law Alumni Day, 212

Law School Association, 211-12

Law School Foundation, 211

Lawn, 1; cornerstone, 3; facilities,
184, 298; housing on, 298; restoration,
393, 578

Lawn Chowder and Marching Society,

Lawrence, Don, 559

Lawson, George McLean, 402

Leavell, Byrd S., 235, 351, 466

Leavell, Byrd S., Jr., 466

Leavell, Ullin W., 358

Lee, Lawrence, 114, 180

Lefevre, Albert, 110, 124

Lefwich, Adolph, 113

Lehman, Edwin P., 76, 350

Lentz, Carlisle S., 260, 350

Lewis, Fulton, Jr., 114


Page 635

Lewis, Ivey F., 79, 108, 174, 175,
252, 331, 410

Library, 108-9, 110, 184-86, 188;
administration, 108; archivist,
185; collection, 44, 109, 168; librarian,
12, 105, 185, 218; see
also Alderman Library

Lile, William Minor, 61, 79, 124,
172, 211, 219

Lippard, Vernon W., 350

Little Congress, 217

Lomax, John T., 7

Long, George, 6

Luck, J. Malcolm, 122, 396, 398, 566

Luck, John Jennings, 220

Lutz, Robert E., 163, 198

Lychnos Society, 380

Lyman, David L., 210

McCabe, E. R. Warner, 234

McCabe, W. Gordon, 108-9

McCandlish, Scott, 562

McCann, Billy, 204

McCleskey, Clifton, 444, 446

McClintock, G. C., 252

McConnell, James Rogers, 60

McConnell, Robert E., 377

MacConochie, Arthur F., 228-29,

McDonald, Ned, 324

Mace, 454

McGregor, Tracy W., 188

McGuffey, William Holmes, 12, 13

McGuffey Reading Clinic, 358

McGuire, Murray M., 52

McIntire, Paul Goodloe, 63, 72, 73,
122-23, 182, 184, 191

McIntire School of Architecture,

McIntire School of Commerce, 347

McIntire School of Fine Arts, 360

McIntire Theater, 63

McKay, Donald M., 332

McKim, Randolph, 73

McKim Hall, 73

McLaughlin, Lee, 197

McLeod, Josephine, 74

McLeod, Robert M., 438

McLeod Hall, 441

McShane, Edward J., 261, 376, 431,

Maddox, Carolyn, 144, 146

Madison, James, 3

Madison Hall, 42, 149, 242, 283,

Madison House, 496

Major, Randolph T., 430-31

Makielski, Stanislaw, 580

Male, Evan J., 557

Mallet, John W., 26

Mallett, Marcus B., 336

Malone, Dumas, 82, 389

Manahan, John L., 407

Mann, Irene Rose, 144, 146

Maphis, Charles G., 102, 104, 216

Marijuana, 473

Markel, Tony, 383

Marshall, Harry T., 125

Marston, Robert Q., 440

Martin, Ben S., 324

Martin, Henry, 47-48

Marxists, 507, 516, 527

Mary Washington College, 366-69

Mason, Virginia, 89

Mathematics, faculty, 6, 16, 30, 218,
220, 261, 376, 431, 584

Mattern, Merete, 464

Matthews, George B., 458

Matthews, William, 119

Maupin, Bay S., 223

Maupin, Socrates, 18, 30

Mayer, Eugene N., 54, 55

Mayo, Bernard A., 583-84

Mead, Ernest C., Jr., 363

Meade, Addis M., 50

Meade, Richard A., 105, 466

Meador, Daniel J., 437

Medical Alumni Association, 210-11

Medical Alumni News Letter, 211

Medical Center, 553

Medicine: administration, 437, 440;
building program, 35, 66,
72-73, 74-76, 77, 182, 184,
392, 438, 457, 575; curriculum,
169, 437-38, 440-41; deanship,
34, 61, 69-70, 72, 76, 178,
350-51; degree program, 13;
faculty, 7, 16, 18, 34, 35, 125,
218, 220, 222, 262, 265-66,
350-51, 376, 378, 400, 401-2,
405, 408, 412, 462, 580, 582-83,
584, 585, 586, 588; fees, 72-73;
grants, 72-73, 74, 122-23, 184,
405, 437, 438, 440, 457; library,


Page 636
553; merger proposal, 69-70,
72, 348; research, 438, 440-41

Medley, Donald, 444

Meeks, Bernard M., 553

Meiburg, Charles O., 346

Memminger, Christopher G., 356

Menzies, Sir Robert, 460

Merritt, Kent, 560

Merton College (Oxford) pinnacles,

Metcalf, John C., 67, 80, 168, 185,

Mickey, Elinor, 380

Military Government, School of,
232, 234

Miller, Burkett, 453

Miller, James S., Jr., 586

Mills, Robert, 24

Minor, John B., 12, 28, 30

Minor, Raleigh C., 79, 123-24, 211

Minor Hall, 30

Minute Men of 1940, 228

Mitchell, Henry B., 483

Mitchell, Mrs. J. Clayton, 189

Mitchell, John Wesley, 430, 432

Mitchell, Samuel A., 176, 267

Modern languages: building program,
191; curriculum, 14, 32,
256; faculty, 7, 14, 15, 32, 256,
373, 398-99, 400-401, 411,

Mohler, Bill, 239

Mohr, Franz K., 411

Moll, Wilhelm, 552-53

Monroe, James, 3

Montgomery, Walter A., 399-400

Moore, John Bassett, 353

Moral philosphy (ethics), faculty, 7,
13, 30

Moran, Charles E., Jr., 390

Moran, I. K., 268

Moran, John J., 225-26

Moran, Virginia E., 249, 252, 390

Morea, 572

Morris, Arthur J., 575

Morris, Frederick, 223-24

Morrow, John Albert, 114

Morse, Frederick T., 583

Morton, Charles Bruce, II, 176,

Mosby, John S., 22, 24

Mountain Lake Biological Station,
174, 360

Moyston, Roy C., 437, 440

Moyston, Mrs. Roy C., 440

Mulholland, Henry B., 351, 585-86

Mulholland, Mrs. Henry B., 351

Muller, William H., Jr., 350, 462

Mumford, Louis, 460

Mumford, Mary Cooke Branch (Mrs.
Beverley B.), 51, 69, 146

Murphy, W. Tayloe, 344

Murray, Frank J., 197-98, 200, 315

Music, faculty, 201-2, 223, 234, 309,
363, 411

Myers, Ed, 251

Nash, Charles P., 173

National Academy of Sciences, 169

National Cancer Institute, grant,

National Collegiate Athletic Association
sanity code, 316

National Science Foundation, grants,
431-32, 437

National defense research, 228-29,
231, 236, 246

National Institutes of Health, grants,

National Radio Astronomy Observatory,
432, 434

National Students' League, 147-48

Natural philosophy, faculty, 7, 30-31

Naval armory, 246

Naval ROTC, 228, 229, 231, 236,
249, 300

Navy research program, 246, 434

Neale, Earl, 112, 115

Neff, John H., 220

Negro students. See Blacks

Nelson, Bruce W., 444

Nelson, Wilbur A., 586

New Dominion Series, 260

New Literary History, 549

Newcomb, John L., 63, 131-32,
135, 136, 137-229; biographical
data, 140; death, 405; election,
138, 140; evaluation, 138,
140-41, 268, 270, 405; inauguration,
207; resignation, 268

Newcomb, Mrs. John L., 222

Newcomb Hall, 284, 392, 394, 570,


Page 637

Newman, James H., 252

Newman Club, 311

Nichols, Frederick D., 574

Niter supply, 26

Nokes, John M., 584

Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., 344, 453

Norton, Dan S., 402, 404

Nuclear physics, 357, 431

Nursing: accreditation, 261; administration,
441; building program,
73-74, 441, 575; curriculum,
73-74, 441; deanship,
352; degree program, 261, 352,
441; grants, 73

Nutter, G. Warren, 348, 379, 463-64

Oates, Louise, 408

Ogden, Jean, 260

Ogden, Jesse, 260

O'Grince, Sylvester, 392

Old Dominion Humanities Institute
for Teachers, 452

Olsson, Mrs. Signe, 344

O'Neal, William B., 362, 583

Oratory, 12, 36

Pacifism, 57, 146-48, 226

Page, Mrs. E. M., 89, 394

Page, James M., 35, 55, 61, 106, 108,
175, 219-20

Palumbo, Joe, 315

Papit, John, 315

Parapsychology, 440-41

Parker, Mary Scott, 144

Parkhill, Barry, 562

Parking facilities, 292, 502

Patrick Henry College, 430

Patton, John S., 108, 218

Paul, Charles W., 222

Paulsen, Elsa, 437

Paulsen, Monrad G., 437

Payne, Bruce R., 105

Peabody Hall, 44, 190-91

Peebles, John K., 188

Perry, Marvin B., Jr., 396, 427, 456

Perry Foundation, 564

"Pete" Gray Award. See Arthur P.
Gray IV Memorial Scholarship

Peter, Marc, Jr., 248

Peters, John S., 389-90

Peters, William E., 29

Peterson, Merrill, 389

Peyton, Armistead, 204

Phi Beta Kappa, 44

Philosophy: curriculum, 164, 166;
faculty, 124, 164, 166, 222, 374,

Physical education, 338; curriculum,
167, 168; degree program,

Physics: building program, 393-94;
faculty, 90, 235-36, 264, 377,
402, 407, 430-31, 463, 466; fellowships,
338, 431; grants, 338,
431-32; research, 431-32

Picketing. See Demonstrations

Pinnacles, 126

Plume and Sword, 550

Poe, Edgar Allan, 8; room at 13
West Range, 126, 128; Virginia
(Monticello) edition of works,

Poe, Elizabeth Arnold, 126

Poe, Harvey, 204

Political activity, 25, 132, 301, 302,
498, 502-3, 507, 508-10,

Political Economy, Thomas Jefferson
Center for Studies in, 348

Political science. See Government

Polo, 324-25

Population and Economic Research.
Bureau of, 258, 346,

Porter, Katherine Anne, 389

Potts, Margaret, 251

Powell, John, 66, 188, 363

Powell, Noble C., 125

Power plant, 392

Pratt, Harry Rogers, 162, 163, 411

Pratt, J. Gaither, 440

Pratt, John Lee, 245, 338

Preston, Arthur Murray, 248

Price, Robert Osborne, 393

Price, Thomas R., 29

Pritchett, Norton, 196, 316

"Professor of Bumology," 223-24

Professorships. See specific disciplines

Proffitt, Mary, 108, 415

Progressive party, 509, 515

Prohibition, 92-94, 96

Project Squid, 434

Provus, Malcolm, 444


Page 638

Psychology, faculty, 378, 583; see also

Public Administration, Bureau of,
213, 257-58, 333, 364, 366

Public Affairs, Institute of, 102-3,
214, 216-17, 363

Public health service, 72

P.U.M.K.I.N. Society, 502

"Punch and Julep," 163

Purple Shadows, Society of the, 501

Purvis, Elizabeth, 585

Quarles, Lawrence R., 356, 435,
462, 466

Quayle, Frank, 558, 559

Radical Student Union, 540

Radicalism, 147-48

Radio station, 310

Rainey, Gordon, 202

Rainey, Robert, 202

Randle, Ulmo, 559-60

Raphael, School of Athens (Balze
copy), 24

Raven Society, 44, 126

Reade, Frank R., 212

Reading Guide (law), 306

Recreation, 19-22, 87, 89-98, 152,
153, 241-42, 244, 282-84,
293-94, 296, 477-78

Recruitment, 163, 258, 327-28, 428,
483, 484-85

Rector, James A., 54

Reed, Stanley, 353

Reed, Walter, 225

Reese, George H., 452-53

Reid, Charles E., 446

Religion: activities, 20, 41-42, 67,
310-11, 505-6; policy, 12-13

Research, 80, 82-83, 164, 166,
430-32, 434-35; grants, 338,
340; see also specific disciplines

Reserve Officers' Training Corps
(ROTC), 57, 146-47, 249, 300,
526; degree credit, 448

Retreat, Graves Mountain Lodge,
509, 511-12

Reynolds, Bruce D., 174, 268, 360,

Reynolds, Victor, 547-48

Rhodes Scholars, 505, 613

Ribble, F. D. G., 173, 179, 236, 353,
435, 586

Ribbon societies, 37-38

Richards Foundation Lectures on
Religion, 310

Ridley, Walter N., 380

Riemenschneider, Dick, 325

Rifle and Pistol Club, 310

Rinetti, Oreste, 585

Riot Act, 520-21

Rioting, 2, 8-9, 22, 472, 510; see also

Ritchie, John, 173

Ritchie, John, III, 408, 410

Rives, Mrs. F. Bayard, 553

Rives, George L., 553

Rixey, Eppa, 54

Roach, Mel, 322

Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Scholarship,

Roberta Hollingsworth Gwathmey
House, 466

Roberts, John T., 446

Roberts, Joseph K., 414

Rodman, Walter S., 175, 266-67,

Roebuck, James R., Jr., 485

Rogers, William Barton, 9, 12

Rohmann, Carl, 312

Romance Pavilion, 191

Rooming houses, 88-89, 394

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 306, 308

Rose, Willie Lee, 466

Rotunda: annex, 24; architectural
style, 1; funding, 6; reconstruction,
40-41; renovation, 18990;
restoration, 574-75; student
pranks at, 478-79; Virginia
Room, 185

Royster, Lawrence T., 402

Ruffner Hall, 444

Runk, B. F. D., 332, 454, 456, 471-72

Rural Life Conferences, 104

Rushton, Peters, 401

Ryczek, Paul, 560

Sabato, Larry, 503

Sacred tripudium, 109

Sadie Heath Cabiness School of
Nursing, 73

Sama, Mario I., 464

Saunders, Edward Watts, 354

Saunier, Paul, Jr., 427

Savage, Louise, 386

Saylor, Paul, 563


Page 639

Schele de Vere, Rudolph, 15-16

Schenkkan, Peter, 448

Schlesinger, James R., 347-48

Schmidt, Ray, 202

Schneider, "Captain," 61

Scholars in residence, 460

Scholarships, 84, 338, 498, 500; see
also specific disciplines

Scholastic Aptitude Test, 428, 505,

School of Athens (Raphael), Balze
copy, 24

Schultz, Theodore, 416

Science curriculum, 430-32, 43435;
see also specific disciplines

Scott, Frederic W., 63, 105, 564

Scott, Gene, 564

Scott, Tom, 315-16

Scott Stadium, 105, 192, 564, 576

"Seal" (mascot), 320-21

Seawell, William H., 444

Sebo, Steve, 557

Segregated facilities, 482, 486

Seibel, Fred O., 255

Seitz, William C., 588

Selective Service Act, 226, 228

Semmes, Joseph E., 9

Semmes, Raphael, 82

Senff, Mrs. Charles H., 47

Senff Memorial Gateway, 47

Serpentine Society, 501

Serpentine walls, 6, 47

Servants, 19

Sesquicentennial Celebration, 554,

Seven Society, 108, 305-6, 415, 483,
585; Honor System and, 542,

Seward Forest, 360

Sexual behavior, 90, 92, 97, 284,
286, 492, 494

Shannon, David A., 428, 456, 458

Shannon, Edgar F., Jr., 422-66; biographical
data, 422; building
program and, 569-70, 592;
campus unrest and, 507-29;
evaluation, 594-95; inauguration,
423; Oxford University
leave, 514; retirement, 592, 594

Shannon, Mrs. Edgar F. (Eleanor
Bosworth), 423, 595

Shapero, William L., 383

Shea, Vincent, 213, 268, 330, 457

Shelly, Greg, 559

Shelton, Ken, 560

Sheppard, C. Stewart, 344, 346

Shepperson, Archibald Bolling, 180,
388, 585

Simpson, Adelaide Douglas, 67, 68

Simpson, Grellet C., 368

Sims, Ward, 458

Singleton, W. Ralph, 360, 431

Slaughter, Edward R., 325, 565-66

Slaughter, Mary, 322

Small, Sydney F., 346

Smiddy, Joseph C., 370

Smith, Alphonso, 50

Smith, C. Alphonso, Jr., 204, 206,
312, 564

Smith, Beverly C., 210

Smith, Charles W., 362-63, 443

Smith, Dudley C., 401-2

Smith, Francis H., 30-31

Smith, Mrs. Herbert McK., 392

Smithey, William R., 105, 408

Snavely, Tipton R., 178, 340, 347,

Snavely Scholarship Fund, 412

Snoddy, Leland B., 235-36, 248,

Snyder, Virginia, 144, 146

Soccer, 563

Social behavior, 2, 8-9, 45, 84, 86,
89-90, 153-54, 156-57, 160,
251, 273, 278, 279, 280, 282,
300-301, 467-68, 470, 471-72,
474, 476, 477-78

Social concerns, 86, 164

Social protest, 510. See also Demonstrations

Social Sciences, Institute for Research
in the, 82, 83, 166-67,

Songs, 37, 114-15

Sons of Liberty, 25

Sororities, 68; black, 481, 486; firstyear
students and, 273-74

South Gate, 47

Southern authors conference, 214

Southern Conference, 195-98, 202,

Southern Guard, 25

Southern Student Organization
Committee, 509, 510

Spalding, Branch, 256, 264

Spectator, 252, 290


Page 640

Spectator Award, 163

Speech curriculum, 310

Speidel, Carl C., 175, 580

Spicer, George W., 582

Stacey, John M., 437, 588

Stanford, Rex G., 440

Starnes, George T., 406

State university site, 3-4

Stein, Herbert, 453

Stephens, Jim, 563

Stettinius, Edward R., 244, 245,
252, 254

Stevenson, Edward C., 377, 584

Stevenson, Ian, 440

Stiles, Lindley, 357, 363-64

Stires, Ernest M., 36

Stockwell, Lucy, 380

Stokes, Harry, 204

Stone, Edward L., 396

Strike Committee, 526-27

Stuart, Harold, 202

Student activity fee, 142

Student aid, 289-90, 316, 342, 501,
544, 565, 591

Student Army Training Corps, 58

Student Assembly, 142, 153

Student Coalition, 510

Student Council, 250, 503; coffee
hours, 293; disciplinary responsibility,
277-78, 287; evaluation
survey, 446-47; Judiciary
Committee, 287

Student dismissals, 18-19, 31, 45,
78, 141, 159-60, 240-41, 289

Student dress, 9, 19, 84, 160, 299,
301, 468, 470, 488-89, 492

Student expenses, 24, 393, 500

Students for a Democratic Society,
509, 510

Students for a Free Society, 509

Student government, 8, 67, 142,
250, 277-78, 287; see also Student

Student organizations, 157-58, 302,
501-3; see also specific groups

Student pranks, 38, 478-79; see also
Social behavior

Student publications, 14, 36, 98-99,
110, 142, 149, 251-52, 290,
306, 511, 515-16, 550, 552

Student regulations (discipline), 9,
10, 19, 20, 21, 90, 96, 143-44,
159, 276-78, 287-88, 471-72

Student Union, 149, 282-84, 392

Student Senate, 142, 250

Sullivan, Gilbert J., 398, 550, 566,

Summer session, 44, 103-4, 159,
230-31, 260, 328, 454; deanship,

Swanson, Gregory, 379

Swimming, 114, 194, 565

Swineford, Oscar, 582

Tabb, William, 25

Talbott, Frank, Jr., 112

Tayloe Murphy Institute, 344

Taylor, Eleanor Ross, 464

Taylor, George, 483

Taylor, Peter, 464

Taylor, R. E. Lee, 182, 185, 186, 188

Taylor, Robert Coleman, 428

Taylor, Tazewell, Jr., 436

Tebell, Gus, 194, 556-57

Temperance movement, 12, 46-47

Tennis, 36, 113, 204, 206, 312, 322,

Theater, 38, 163; see also Drama

Thiel, Glenn, 563

Thomas, John, 483

Thomas, Mat, 97

Thomas, William T., 116, 118

Thomas H. Bayly Art Museum, 182,

Thomas Jefferson Award, 377, 601

Thomas Jefferson Fellowships, 330

Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation
professors, 389, 443

Thompson, Lorin A., 258, 344, 347,
364, 583

Thompson, Randall, 201-2, 234,

Thornton, William M., 4, 32, 34, 61,
175, 218-19, 435

Thornton Hall, 175, 182, 392, 395

Tiffany, Mrs. Louis May McLane,

T.I.L.K.A., 37-38, 305

Tilton, McLane, 119, 122, 212

Todd, Bart, 239

Todd, Thomas H., 239

Track and field, 36, 54, 112, 113,
118, 192, 204, 239, 324, 564

Transportation, 223, 244, 252, 290,
292, 502

Traynor, Roger J., 437


Page 641

Tucker, George, 7, 8

Tucker, Henry St. George, 10

Turnbull, Knox, 212

Turner, Mebane, 322, 563

Tuttle, Stephen, 363

Typhoid, 10, 12

Tyson, Margaret G., 352, 441

"Ugly Club," 21

Uhl, Raymond, 213

Uncle Tom's Cabin, Charlottesville
production, 38

Underwood, Oscar W., Jr., 173

U.S. Army Pre-Meteorology School,

U.S. Naval Flight Preparatory School,
236, 238

University Center, 283

University Forum, 149

University Forum, 448

Unniversity Hall, 573

University Honor Awards, 500

University Magazine, 14, 36

University News Service, 119, 550

University Party, 301

University Preaching Series, 310

University Press of Virginia, 547-49

University Professors, 606

University Relations, 550

University of Virginia Magazine, 98,
181, 550, 552

University of Virginia News Letter, 333

University of Virginia Press, 389-98

"V" Club, 198

V-5 program, 249

V-12 program, 238

Vandegrift, Alexander Archer, 248

Vaughan, Joseph L., 252, 262,
333-34, 452, 462

Venable, Charles S., 26, 30

Venereal disease, 47

Veterans, 249-50, 254, 256; housing
for, 249-50, 297, 396

Vietnam, 507-29

Vietnam Moratorium, 512, 514, 517

Vining, Rutledge, 347

Violence. See Demonstrations

Virginia Business Review, 309

"Virginia, Hail All Hail," 114

Virginia High School League, 258

Virginia Law Review, 44-45, 180,
256, 306

Virginia Literary and Athletic
League, 163

Virginia Music Festival, 363

Virginia Players, 309

Virginia Quarterly Review, 100, 102,
180, 388-89, 547, 549; grants,

Virginia Reel, 98

Virginia Spectator, 98, 181, 552, 606

Virginia Weekly, 507

Volm, Matthew, 256

Voris, Richard, 324

Waddell, William W., 176

Wager, Eugene E., 264

"Wahoos," 181

Walker, Mrs. A. E., 241, 242, 283,

Wall, Malarkey, 325

Wallerstein, Morton L., 446

Walter Reed Society, 502

Warren, Rice, 112

Washington Society, 12, 148

Watson, Thomas L., 124

Watts, Stephen H., 74, 405-6

Webb, Robert H., 404

Weber, F. Palmer, 147

Weedon, William S., 572

Weisiger, Cary N., Jr., 126, 208

Wertenbaker, Charles, 248

Wertenbaker, William, 12

West, Jim, 563

Wheatley, C. Stuart, Jr., 510-11

Wheeler-Bennett, Sir John, 179-80,

Whipple, Leon R., 57

White, Orland E., 359-60

White, Stanford, 40-41, 574

White, William H., Jr., 173, 212,
236, 354

White Burkett Miller Center of Public
Affairs, 453

Whitebread, Charles, 465

Whitehead, Richard H., 34

Whitehead, W. Dexter, 248, 431,
432, 442, 458

Whitney, Mary E., 488

Whyburn, Gordon T., 176, 238,
376, 431

Wickersham, C. W., 232

Wilkinson, Buzzy, 322

Wilkinson, J. Harvie, Jr., 458

Wilkinson, J. Harvie, III, 458


Page 642

Williams, D. Alan, 456, 457, 458,

Williams, R. Gray, 254

Williar, Frank A., 500

Wilson, David C., 412

Wilson, George P., 310

Wilson, James Southall, 100, 102,
168, 214, 334, 407-8

Wilson, Richard H., 398

Wilson, Woodrow, 126

Wiltshire, Dick, 204

Winston, Howard, 105, 249

Wirt, William, 7

Women students, 50-52, 67-68,
144, 241-42, 488-89; see also

Women Students' Association, 287

Women's college, 366-69

Women's Self-Government Association,

Womer, Maynard, 202

Woodrow Wilson Army Hospital,

Woodrow Wilson School of International
Affairs, 257

Woodward, Edgar, 367

Woodward, Fletcher D., 262

Woolridge, Oscar B., Jr., 310

World War I, 56-58, 60; Armistice,
58; hospital unit, 14, 41, 57, 73,
76; memorial tablet, 64

World War II, 226, 228-29, 230-70;
civil defense, 231-32; hospital
unit, 234-35; memorial tablet,
425; physical training, 232; research
contracts, 228-29, 231,
236, 246; training programs,
246; V-J Day, 245-46; Virginia
casualties, 10; volunteer unit,

Wranek, William H., Jr., 119, 179,
212, 550

Wrestling, 36, 322, 563

Wright, David McCord, 261-62

Wright, Quincy, 436, 462

Writers in residence, 388, 459-60

WTJU, 310

WUVA, 310

Wyllie, John Cook, 386, 552

Yalden-Thompson, David C., 468

Yeager, Leland B., 348

Yellow fever, 224-25

Yellow Journal, 98-100

Yoe, John H., 261, 338, 377-78,
430, 580

York, Al, 203, 566

Young, Hugh H., 120

Young Americans for Freedom,
509, 515

Young Men's Christian Association,
13, 42, 67, 310, 311

Younger, Edward, 378, 441-42

Z Society awards, 465-66, 605

Zehmer, George B., 104, 105, 17374,
258, 363-64

Zehmer Hall, 364

Zolney, George Julian, 41