University of Virginia Library


The necessary expenses of a student in the Law Department are, for the
session of nine months, as follows:

University Fees— 
Matriculation  $ 25 
Infirmary Fee 
Dormitory Rent (two in a room)  15 
Tuition  80 
Total of Fees  127 
Living Expenses— 
Fuel, Lights and Washing  25 
Board at $13 a Month  117 
Total necessary expenses (board at $13)  $269 
Payable on entrance  $180 

The sum payable on entrance includes a contingent deposit of $10, which
is credited in final settlement, and hence forms no part of the necessary
expenses. This deposit is assessed for damage to property, violation of
Library rules, and so on.

To the above total must be added the cost of books and stationery, about
$80 for the entire course, and the cost of a degree which, if taken, is $15.

The board at $13 is plain, but wholesome and abundant. Better board
can be had at $18 a month. At $18 the total necessary expenses will be
$314, of which $198 is payable on entrance.

For the entire course, if taken in one year, the total necessary expenses,
including books, will be $340 to $394, according to the price paid for board,
with the addition of $15 for the degree, if the degree is taken.