University of Virginia Library

Aug. 3-9

At church and hear Mr. Slaughter.... After church Mary Lewis and I go to cousin Lou's [Lou Leitch, the widow of Dr. Leitch] to meet Sam who comes up for a short visit. It is a sad coming back for him and he seems to feel it much. Monday evening I go up to Rugby; find them all glad to see me. Two of [Turner] Ashby's Cavalry are staying there. One of them interests me much in that lamented Hero .... I've no work now. Feel quite strange. Everything in the way of clothing is so dear don't know when I will be able to get anything more. Calico now is a dollar a yard and everything else as dear. I'm thinking of a visit to sister Mary. Have written to ask her to send for me if convenient. Saturday get a letter from her telling me the boys are in hourly expectation of the measles and she does not like to send them from home. I am sorry for her when I think of what is before her. Would like to go down and help her to take care of the children but suppose I must put it off now for I've no way to get down. Also have a letter from Sally Williamson. She and Bert are now at Music Hall. They have been run off from their home in Orange by the Yanks; will stay with their friends in Lynchburg and Cumberland until it is safe for them to venture back to Orange. They did not leave that place until the small battle had come off in the Village of Orange Court House when our forces were driven back by the superior numbers of the enemy ....