University of Virginia Library

As earth had opened, or heaven's arch come down,
Astounded stood the people; motionless;
Almost of sense bereft.
A maiden first,
Upon a milk-white mule, before the rest
A few steps moved, and paused: toward Moses looked;
Then heavenward, as in prayer; bowed her meek head,
And down the steep bank rode. Close after her,
On a hot steed, a youth; two aged men,
And one weak woman, followed. Burst out then
From the whole multitude, a voice of joy;
And, forward pressing, every head bent low,
Down the steep shore they went. 'Twixt wall, and wall,
Thousands abreast, on the bright glistening road,


Down went they; horsemen first; the cattle then;
The laden camels, and wains; then those on foot:
Tribe after tribe, all orderly, all mute,
All worshipping their God,—to the sea-depths
Fearlessly down they went.
Their children and wives
With Levi having sent, that, unperplexed,
Themselves might all direct,—last of the host,
Moses and Aaron, with their heads bent low,
And glad hearts praising God, together rode.
Thus, all in silence, as through dell profound
Amid the mountains, Israel went on,
Treading the shining bottom of the deep!