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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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Jane Addams, Twenty Years of Hull House (New York,
1960). D. S. Bailey, The Man-Woman Relation in Christian
(London, 1959). M. Daly, The Church and the
Second Sex
(New York, 1968). S. De Beauvoir, Le deuxième
(Paris, 1949); trans. as The Second Sex (New York, 1953);
many reprints). E. Flexner, Century of Struggle (Cambridge,
1959). B. Friedan, The Feminine Mystique (New York, 1963).
J. Hole and E. Levine, Rebirth of Feminism (New York, 1972).
A. Jeannière, Anthropologie sexuelle (Paris, 1964); see the
Foreward by D. Sullivan to the American edition, trans.
J. Kiernan (New York, 1967). A. S. Kraditor, ed., Up from
the Pedestal. Selected Writings in the History of American
(Chicago, 1968), and idem, The Ideas of the
Woman Suffrage Movement, 1890-1920
(New York, 1965).
A. Lutz, Crusade for Freedom: Women of the Antislavery
(Boston, 1968) and idem, Susan B. Anthony:
Rebel, Crusader, Humanitarian
(Boston, 1959). E. Maccoby,
ed., The Development of Sex Differences (Stanford, 1966)
and “Woman's Intellect,” The Potential of Woman, eds.
S. M. Farber and R. H. L. Wilson (New York, 1963), pp. 24-39.
H. Marcuse, Eros and Civilization (Boston, 1955). Marx,
Engels, Lenin, and Stalin, The Woman Question (New York,
1951). M. Mead, From the South Seas (New York, 1939) and
idem, Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies
(New York, 1935). Kate Millett, Sexual Politics (New York,
1970). R. Morgan, ed., Sisterhood Is Powerful (New York,
1970). William L. O'Neill, Everyone Was Brave (Chicago,
1969). T. Reik, The Creation of Woman (New York, 1960).
Robert Riegel, American Feminists (Lawrence, Kan., 1963);
idem, American Women: A Story of Social Change (Ruther-
ford, N.J., 1970). A. Rossi, “Equality between the Sexes; An
Immodest Proposal,” Daedalus (Spring, 1964), 607-52. Page
Smith, Daughters of the Promised Land (Boston, 1970). M.
Thompson, ed., Voices of the New Feminism (Boston, 1970).


[See also Church as Institution; Conservation; Equality;
Law, Equal Protection; Protest Movements.