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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
1 occurrence of Tonelli, Giorgio
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1 occurrence of Tonelli, Giorgio
[Clear Hits]


H. Barth, ed., Der konservative Gedanke (Stuttgart, 1958).
R. Blake, Disraeli (London and New York, 1966). Crane
Brinton, Political Ideas of the English Romanticists (Oxford,
1926; reprint New York, 1962). H. R. H. Cecil, Conservatism
(London, 1912). Benjamin Disraeli, Coningsby (London,
1844); idem, Sybil (London, 1845); idem, Tancred (London,
1847). K. G. Feiling, A History of the Tory Party 1640-1714
(London, 1924); idem, What is Conservatism? (London,
1930); idem, The Second Tory Party 1740-1832 (London,
1959). H. Gerstenberger, Der Revolutionäre Konservatismus.


Ein Beitrag zur Analyse des Liberalismus, Sozialwissen-
schaftliche Abhandlungen 14 (Berlin, 1969). Stephen R.
Graubard, Burke, Disraeli and Churchill: The Politics of
(Cambridge, Mass., 1961). M. Greiffenhagen,
Das Dilemma des Konservatismus in Deutschland (Munich,
1971). R. Kirk, The Conservative Mind. From Burke to
revised ed. (Chicago, 1954). K. von Klemperer,
Germany's New Conservatism. Its History and Dilemma in
the Twentieth Century
(Princeton, 1957). K. Mannheim,
“Das konservative Denken. Soziologische Beiträge zum
Werden des politisch-historischen Denkens in Deutsch-
land,” Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, 57
(1927), 68-142, 470-95. H. McClosky, “Conservatism and
Personality,” American Political Science Review, 52 (1958),
27-45. A. Mohler, Die konservative Revolution in Deutsch-
land 1918-1932. Grundriss ihrer Weltanschauungen
gart, 1950). H. Muhlenfeld, Politik ohne Wunschbilder. Die
konservative Aufgabe unserer Zeit
(Munich, 1952). Michael
Oakeshott, Experience and Its Modes (Cambridge and New
York, 1933; reprint 1966); idem, Rationalism in Politics (New
York, 1962). S. M. Osgood, French Royalism under the Third
and Fourth Republics
(The Hague, 1960). H. S. Reiss, ed.
and Introduction, The Political Thought of the German
Romantics 1793-1815
(Oxford, 1955). H. Rogger and E.
Weber, eds., The European Right. A Historical Profile
(Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1965). C. Rossiter, Conservatism
in America: The Thankless Persuasion,
2nd ed. revised (New
York, 1962). P. Smith, Disraelian Conservatism and Social
(Toronto, 1967). R. Spacemann, Der Ursprung der
Soziologie aus dem Geist der Restauration. Studien über L.
G. S. de Bonald
(Munich, 1959). E. C. Thaden, Conservative
Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Russia
(Seattle, 1964).
E. Troeltsch, “Konservativ und Liberal,” Die Christliche
(1916), Nos. 33, 35. F. Valjavec, Die Entstehung der
politischen Strömungen in Deutschland 1770-1815
1951). Peter R. E. Viereck, Conservatism: From John Adams
to Churchill
(New York and London, 1956); idem, Con-
servatism Revisited; The Revolt Against Revolt, 1815-1949

(New York, 1949). E. Weber, Action Française. Royalism and
Reaction in Twentieth-Century France
(Stanford, 1962).
R. J. White, ed., The Conservative Tradition (London, 1950).
E. L. Woodward, Three Studies in European Conservatism.
Metternich, Guizot, The Catholic Church in the Nineteenth
(London, 1929; reprint 1963).


[See also Authority; Constitutionalism; Historicism; Ideol-
ogy; Liberalism; Nationalism; Revolution; Social Contract;
Social Democracy; State; Totalitarianism; Volksgeist.]