University of Virginia Library

July 27-Aug. 2

At church and hear Mr. Meade....Have a ride to town with John and Sue. Treat myself to a copy of Byron, bad speculation now as the Yankees may be upon us at any time. On Wednesday 30th, Sue, Kattie and Ellie leave us. Oh, what a void their departure makes both in my heart and the house. We have been together long enough to be quite necessary to each other. I love the girls both much but Kathleen's my pet. She seems to suit my fancy best; is ever confiding with me and may not the mystery surrounding her birth draw her to me by exerting my sympathy and interest ....I sometimes, in thinking of her fortune's lot, fear that there must be breakers ahead for her in her voyage of life ....Quite a panic about the manners of the Yankees under the barbarian Pope this week. They are at Stewartsville and are expected in Charlottesville at any hour. Old Stone Wall must be thoughtful just now for not even a report of him is heard. He has some plans in his mind. No doubt we will soon know something of it .... We hear Lizzie Dee has left The Delevan. Something unpleasant happened in the house and she thought it right to leave. Don't suppose she will ever return there.