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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Art thou lonetowering wall, whose stormbeat brow
The darkplumed ravens make their airy Nest,
The soleremaining remnant to attest
The Might and Majesty which here lie low?
Wild Flowers and the Ivy's leaves o'er grow
Thy oncecloudcleaving Towers: all is rest
Around, as tho' deep into Nature's breast
The Spirit of Religion, which once threw
Its charm o'er thee, had sunk, thus blent again
With her calm heart! to us, who live alone
In the Soul's Essence, Time destroys in Vain:
We can create anew, recall the tone,
Whose echos sleep 'mid these old stones, the strain
Of choral hymns, and bid past scenes be shown!