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I. JOHN I. 9.
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I. JOHN I. 9.

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Father of my dying Lord,
To whom I sue for peace,
Trusting in Thy faithful word,
Lo! I my sins confess.
For Thy truth and mercy's sake,
Grant the blessing which I claim;
Cast my sins behind Thy back:
I ask in Jesu's name.
Hast Thou not reversed my doom?
Thou hast, and I believe:
Yet I still a sinner come,
That Thou mayst still forgive;
Wretched, miserable, blind,
Poor, and naked, and unclean,
Still, that I may mercy find,
I bring Thee nought but sin.
I have always equal need
Of Thy forgiving love;
Still do I the promise plead,
That I Thy truth may prove.


Just and faithful as Thou art,
Hear me now my sins confess,
Hear, and purify my heart
From all unrighteousness.
Lord, I look to be made clean
From every sinful blot,
All unrighteousness and sin,
In deed, and word, and thought;
Evil shall not here abide,
Sin shall have no place in me,
From the' iniquity of pride
And self I shall be free.
I shall be redeem'd from all,
Unless Thy word is vain;
Here recover from my fall,
My Eden here regain;
Jesus shall His image here
Perfectly in me restore;
God shall in my flesh appear,
And sin subsist no more.