Encyclopedia articles: Encyclopaedia of Religion and
Ethics; lexikon für Theologie und Kirche; Die Religion in
Geschichte und Gegenwart; Theological Dictionary of the
New Testament.
On biblical and Christian usage: William Robertson
Smith, Lectures on the Religion of the Semites (Edinburgh,
1889; also reprint); Johannes Pedersen, Israel (Copenhagen,
1940), Vols. III, IV; Helmer Ringgren, The Prophetical Con-
ception of Holiness (Uppsala, 1948); Eduard Williger, Hagios
(Giessen, 1922); André M. J. Festugière, la sainteté (Paris,
1952); John M. Mecklin, The Passing of the Saint (Chicago,
1941); Alexander M. Harváth, heiligkeit und Sünde im
Lichten der thomistischen Theologie (Freiburg in Switzer-
land, 1943); J. Baines Atkinson, The Beauty of Holiness
(London, 1953); Owen R. Jones, The Concept of Holiness
(London, 1961).
On comparative theories: Henry Pinard de la Boullaye,
L'étude critique des religions, 3rd ed. (Paris, 1929-31); Jan
de Vries, Godsdienstgeschiedenis in vogelvlucht (Utrecht,
1961), trans. Kees W. Bolle as The Study of Religion (New
York, 1967; also reprint); Wilfred C. Smith, The Meaning
and End of Religion (New York, 1963; also reprint); William
A. Lessa and Evon Z. Vogt, Reader in Comparative Religion,
2nd ed. (New York, 1965); Hutton Webster, Taboo (Stanford,
1942); Robert A. Nisbet, The Sociological Tradition (New
York, 1966), Ch. 6.
The Holy and the Sacred: Wilhelm Windelband, “Das
Heilige,” in his Präludien, 2nd ed. (Tübingen, 1903); Rudolf
Otto, Das Heilige (Breslau, 1917), trans. John W. Harvey
as The Idea of the Holy (London, 1923; also reprint);
Gerardus van der Leeuw, Phänomenologie der Religion
(Tübingen, 1933), trans. John E. Turner as Religion in Es-
sence and Manifestation (London, 1938; also reprint); W.
Brede Kristensen, The Meaning of Religion, trans. John B.
Carman (The Hague, 1960); Mircea Eliade, Traité d'histoire
des religions (Paris, 1949), trans. Rosemary Sheed as Patterns
in Comparative Religion (London, 1958; also reprint); Mir-
cea Eliade, Das Heilige und das Profane (Hamburg, 1957),
trans. Willard R. Trask as The Sacred and the Profane (New
York, 1959; also reprint).
Topical applications: Roger Caillois, L'homme et le sacré
(Paris, 1939), trans. Meyer Barash as Man and the Sacred
(Glencoe, Illinois, 1959); Bernhard Häring, Das Heilige und
das Gute (Krailling, 1950); Jacques Grand'maison, le monde
et le sacré, 2 vols. (Paris, 1966, 1968); Gerardus van der
Leeuw, Wegen en granzen (Amsterdam, 1932), trans. David
E. Green as Sacred and Profane Beauty (New York, 1963;
also reprint); Vincent Buckley, Poetry and the Sacred
(London, 1968).
[See also
Church as Institution; Evolutionism;
God; Myth;
Sin and Salvation; Theodicy.]