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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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The great Man, tho' above his Fellows he
May tower like a God, stands meek before
His Maker as an Infant! yea! the more
He in his Wisdom near to God may be,
The vast Space but the clearer will he see
Which parts them still; he cannot pluck a Flower,
A Dayseye from the Grass, and not adore
Therein the Masterhand that framed it! the
Worst Ills of Life embitter not his Mind,
Nor make the godlike Eye within him blind!
He cannot doubt a Moment, for that would
Be the most bitter Ill of all which could
Befall him, since he'd cease to be thereby
The godlike which he is! and how, how should
He doubt that, for that would be to belie
Himself, a willful Putting-out the Eye
Of Reason: but as he sees by it, this
Can never be! and Reason is not his,
But God's Eye likewise! and therefore he, who
Sees with it, must see godlike, must see true:
And, seeing so, will estimate aright
That chiefest Good, and hold all others light
Compared with it, the Godlike, which he is
And feels, Man's highest Duty, Recompense, and Bliss!