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[Philippians ii. 5.]

Jesu, shall I never be
Firmly grounded upon Thee?
Never by Thy work abide,
Never in Thy wounds reside?
O how wavering is my mind,
Toss'd about with every wind!
O how quickly doth my heart
From the living God depart!
Easily I fall away,
Never am I at one stay;


Strong in faith I seem this hour,
Stripp'd the next of all my power.
Faith is lost in unbelief,
Joy is swallow'd up of grief,
Hope, my latest hope, expires,
God, my angry God, retires.
Vanishing out of my sight,
Jesus leaves me sunk in night;
Where shall I my Jesus find,
Helpless I, and dark, and blind?
Seek, O seek me, Lord, again;
Let not all Thy gifts be vain;
Comfort to my soul restore;
Come, and never leave me more.
Jesu, let my nature feel
Thou art God unchangeable;
Jah, Jehovah, great I am,
Speak into my soul Thy name.
Fruit that I may bear, ordain;
That my fruit may still remain,
Make my heart, and keep it, true;
After God my soul renew.
Grant that every moment I
May believe, and feel Thee nigh;
Steadfastly behold Thy face,
'Stablish'd with abiding grace.
Plant, and root, and fix in me
All the mind that was in Thee;
Settled peace I then shall find;
Jesu's is a quiet mind.
When it doth in me appear,
I shall nothing covet here;


I shall cast the world behind;
Jesu's is an heavenly mind.
Then the' accursed lust of praise
Shall in me no more have place;
Pride no more my soul shall bind;
Jesu's is an humble mind.
Anger I no more shall feel,
Always quiet, always still,
Meekly on my God reclined;
Jesu's is a gentle mind.
I shall suffer and fulfil
All my Father's gracious will,
Be in all alike resign'd;
Jesu's is a patient mind.
When 'tis deeply rooted here
Perfect love shall cast out fear;
Fear doth servile spirits bind:
Jesu's is a noble mind.
When I feel it fix'd within
I shall have no power to sin;
How should sin an entrance find?
Jesu's is a spotless mind.
I shall nothing know beside
Jesus and Him crucified;
I shall all to Him be join'd:
Jesu's is a loving mind.
I shall triumph evermore,
Gratefully my God adore,—
God so good, so true, so kind;
Jesu's is a thankful mind.
Lowly, loving, meek, and pure,
I shall to the end endure,


Be no more to sin inclined;
Jesu's is a constant mind.
I shall fully be restored
To the image of my Lord,
Witnessing to all mankind
Jesu's is a perfect mind.