University of Virginia Library

Their Husbands gone, These strait, like Furies sent
(Strange, muffled Garb) came forth to Scourge, torment;
Nor known by whom the wrong; those Men Disguis'd
Thought Robbers, Thieves, whilst Guilty Heart surmis'd
Th' Hags came from Hell. This told with mutt'ring breath
(Just Doom conceiv'd, tho's Father bled to Death)
Concealment gain'd with all, They vanish'd round;
Both Lora's the Man (corected thus) unbound;
Who pleads for safe Convoy to th' Forrest-side,
And suffer'd was behind their Coach to Ride:
Next Cottage shelter prov'd, where Fault was lay'd
On Thievish Gang, Witch-hags that so betray'd:
Girl sent him word She came to th' Place, but then
Spy'd dreadful Thieves, ran frighted back agen.
Orsamnes, tho small Warning needed, thence,
Good Lecture 'twas 'gainst Rapine, Violence.