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Poems of Paul Hamilton Hayne

Complete edition with numerous illustrations

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Seven weary centuries ere our star-like Christ
Rose on the clouded heavens of mortal faith
Gautama came, the stern high priest of death,
Oblivion's sombre, dark evangelist.
Millions of souls hath this dread creed enticed
To wander lost through realms of baleful breath,
Ghoul-haunted, rife with shapes of sin and scath,
Monstrous, yet dim, as births of midnight mist:
All life, he taught, hath been, all life must be
Accursed! the gift of demons! All delight
Lies at the far-off goal of pulseless peace.


“Pray,” sighed he, “that this breath of men shall cease;
Our hell is earth, our heaven eternal night;
Our only godhead vague Nonentity!”

Note.—We yield to none in our cordial admiration of Mr. Edwin Arnold's “Light of Asia;” but we regard that most eloquent, pathetic, and beautiful poem, chiefly as a poem—and by no means as an absolutely authoritative presentation of Gautama's creed, or its tendencies. It even seems to us that Mr. Arnold is himself somewhat in the dark as to these matters. The “prodigious controversy among the erudite in regard to Gautama's doctrines,” Mr. Arnold confronts chiefly by his own firm conviction that “a third of mankind would never have been brought to believe in blank abstractions, or in nothingness, as the crown of Being!” Au contraire, we cannot fairly ignore the opinion of those Orientalists who maintain, that “Nirvana” is essentially nothingness; and moreover, that the idea involved in it has a peculiar charm for the Hindoo mind.