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The subject of this sketch was born at Floyd Courthouse,
Virginia, November 18th, 1863, and is a son of
the late Dr. and Mrs. Asa H. Cannaday. He received
his early training in the
illustration schools of his native
county and later at
Roanoke College.
His medical education
was acquired at University
and Bellevue
Hospital, Medical College
of New York City,
graduating from that institution
in the Class of
'88. He began the practice
of his profession in
this city shortly after
graduating, and in 1893,
he graduated in a special
department, confined to
the eye, ear, nose, and
throat, and since that
time his practice has
been confined to the subjects above mentioned. Dr.
Cannaday has well appointed offices in the old Masonic
Temple, and he is in command of a growing practice in
this city and the territory contiguous.

He has taken several courses abroad in recent years,
and keeps thoroughly abreast of the times in the medical
profession. He is President of the Roanoke
Academy of Medicine, a member of the State Medical
Society of Virginia, and the American Medical Association.

Dr. Cannaday has always taken an active interest in
municipal affairs and was a member of the City Council
for two years and City Physician for a similar period.
While a member of the City Council, it was largely
through his influence that the Gish farm was purchased
by the city. This act was severely criticised at the
time by a great many people but the wisdom of the
city fathers has been amply demonstrated, since the
property has increased in value several times over.

In 1889 he was married to Miss Della, daughter of
the late W. H. Poff, of Floyd County, and as a result of
that union they had five children, four boys and one
girl. In 1906 Mrs. Cannaday died and three years
later he was married to Miss Ruth, daughter of Capt.
and Mrs. G. P. Eliason and they have one son.

Dr. Cannaday is extensively interested in Roanoke
realty, and owns a fine farm "Waverly" a few miles
north of Roanoke and he spends a portion of each summer
there with his family.

Fraternally he is a member of Acca Temple, Bayard
Commandery, Murray Chapter, and Lakeland Lodge
A. F. and A. M.

Dr. Cannaday resides on the corner of Church and
Park Streets.