The Complete Works of John Gower Edited from the manuscripts with introductions, notes and glossaries by G. C. Macaulay |
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![]() | The Complete Works of John Gower | ![]() |
Electus Cristi, pie Rex Henrice, fuisti,
Qui bene venisti cum propria regna petisti;
Tu mala vicisti que bonis bona restituisti,
Et populo tristi noua gaudia contribuisti.
Est michi spes lata quod adhuc per te renouata
Succedent fata veteri probitate beata,
Est tibi nam grata gracia sponte data.
Qui bene venisti cum propria regna petisti;
Tu mala vicisti que bonis bona restituisti,
Et populo tristi noua gaudia contribuisti.
Est michi spes lata quod adhuc per te renouata
Succedent fata veteri probitate beata,
Est tibi nam grata gracia sponte data.
O worthi noble kyng, Henry the ferthe,
In whom the glade fortune is befalle
The poeple to governe uppon this erthe,
God hath the chose in comfort of ous alle:
The worschipe of this lond, which was doun falle,
Now stant upriht thurgh grace of thi goodnesse,
Which every man is holde forto blesse.
In whom the glade fortune is befalle
The poeple to governe uppon this erthe,
God hath the chose in comfort of ous alle:
The worschipe of this lond, which was doun falle,
Now stant upriht thurgh grace of thi goodnesse,
Which every man is holde forto blesse.
The highe god of his justice allone
The right which longeth to thi regalie
Declared hath to stonde in thi persone,
And more than god may no man justefie.
Thi title is knowe uppon thin ancestrie,
The londes folk hath ek thy riht affermed;
So stant thi regne of god and man confermed.
The right which longeth to thi regalie
Declared hath to stonde in thi persone,
And more than god may no man justefie.
Thi title is knowe uppon thin ancestrie,
The londes folk hath ek thy riht affermed;
So stant thi regne of god and man confermed.
Ther is no man mai seie in other wise,
That god himself ne hath thi riht declared,
Wherof the lond is boun to thi servise,
Which for defalte of help hath longe cared:
Bot now ther is no mannes herte spared
To love and serve and wirche thi plesance,
And al is this thurgh godes pourveiance.
That god himself ne hath thi riht declared,
Wherof the lond is boun to thi servise,
Which for defalte of help hath longe cared:
Bot now ther is no mannes herte spared
To love and serve and wirche thi plesance,
And al is this thurgh godes pourveiance.
In alle thing which is of god begonne
Ther folwith grace, if it be wel governed:
Thus tellen thei whiche olde bookes conne,
Whereof, my lord, y wot wel thow art lerned.
Axe of thi god, so schalt thou noght be werned
Of no reqweste which is resonable;
For god unto the goode is favorable.
Ther folwith grace, if it be wel governed:
Thus tellen thei whiche olde bookes conne,
Whereof, my lord, y wot wel thow art lerned.
Axe of thi god, so schalt thou noght be werned
Of no reqweste which is resonable;
For god unto the goode is favorable.
Kyng Salomon, which hadde at his axinge
Of god what thing him was levest to crave,
He ches wisdom unto the governynge
Of goddis folk, the whiche he wolde save:
And as he ches it fel him forto have;
For thurgh his wit, whil that his regne laste,
He gat him pees and reste unto the laste.
Of god what thing him was levest to crave,
He ches wisdom unto the governynge
Of goddis folk, the whiche he wolde save:
And as he ches it fel him forto have;
For thurgh his wit, whil that his regne laste,
He gat him pees and reste unto the laste.
Bot Alisaundre, as telleth his histoire,
Unto the god besoghte in other weie,
Of all the world to winne the victoire,
So that undir his swerd it myht obeie.
In werre he hadde al that he wolde preie,
The myghti god behight him that beheste,
The world he wan, and had it of conqweste.
Unto the god besoghte in other weie,
Of all the world to winne the victoire,
So that undir his swerd it myht obeie.
In werre he hadde al that he wolde preie,
The myghti god behight him that beheste,
The world he wan, and had it of conqweste.
Bot thogh it fel at thilke time so,
That Alisandre his axinge hath achieved,
This sinful world was al paiene tho,
Was non which hath the hihe god believed:
No wondir was thogh thilke world was grieved,
Thogh a tiraunt his pourpos myhte winne;
Al was vengance and infortune of sinne.
That Alisandre his axinge hath achieved,
This sinful world was al paiene tho,
Was non which hath the hihe god believed:
No wondir was thogh thilke world was grieved,
Thogh a tiraunt his pourpos myhte winne;
Al was vengance and infortune of sinne.
Bot now the feith of Crist is come a place
Among the princes in this erthe hiere,
It sit hem wel to do pite and grace;
Bot yit it mot be tempred in manere:
For as thei finden cause in the matiere
Uppon the point, what aftirward betide,
The lawe of riht schal noght be leid aside.
Among the princes in this erthe hiere,
It sit hem wel to do pite and grace;
Bot yit it mot be tempred in manere:
For as thei finden cause in the matiere
Uppon the point, what aftirward betide,
The lawe of riht schal noght be leid aside.
So mai a kyng of werre the viage
Ordeigne and take, as he therto is holde,
To cleime and axe his rightful heritage
In alle places wher it is withholde:
Bot other wise if god himsilve wolde
Afferme love and pes betwen the kynges,
Pes is the beste above alle erthely thinges.
Ordeigne and take, as he therto is holde,
To cleime and axe his rightful heritage
In alle places wher it is withholde:
Bot other wise if god himsilve wolde
Afferme love and pes betwen the kynges,
Pes is the beste above alle erthely thinges.
Good is teschue werre, and natheles
A kyng may make werre uppon his right,
For of bataile the final ende is pees.
Thus stant the lawe, that a worthi knyght
Uppon his trouthe may go to the fight;
Bot if so were that he myghte chese,
Betre is the pees, of which may no man lese.
A kyng may make werre uppon his right,
For of bataile the final ende is pees.
Thus stant the lawe, that a worthi knyght
Uppon his trouthe may go to the fight;
Bot if so were that he myghte chese,
Betre is the pees, of which may no man lese.
[Sustene] pes oghte every man alyve,
First for to sette his liege lord in reste,
And ek these othre men that thei ne stryve;
For so this world mai stonden ate beste.
What kyng that wolde be the worthieste,
The more he myghte oure dedly werre cesse,
The more he schulde his worthinesse encresse.
First for to sette his liege lord in reste,
And ek these othre men that thei ne stryve;
For so this world mai stonden ate beste.
What kyng that wolde be the worthieste,
The more he myghte oure dedly werre cesse,
The more he schulde his worthinesse encresse.
Pes is the chief of al the worldes welthe,
And to the heven it ledeth ek the weie;
Pes is of soule and lif the mannes helthe,
Of pestilence and doth the werre aweie.
Mi liege lord, tak hiede of that y seie,
If werre may be left, tak pes on honde,
Which may noght be withoute goddis sonde.
And to the heven it ledeth ek the weie;
Pes is of soule and lif the mannes helthe,
Of pestilence and doth the werre aweie.
Mi liege lord, tak hiede of that y seie,
If werre may be left, tak pes on honde,
Which may noght be withoute goddis sonde.
With pes stant every creature in reste;
Withoute pes ther may no lif be glad:
Above alle othre good pes is the beste,
Pes hath himself whan werre is al bestad,
The pes is sauf, the werre is evere adrad:
Pes is of alle charite the keie,
Which hath the lif and soule forto weie.
Withoute pes ther may no lif be glad:
Above alle othre good pes is the beste,
Pes hath himself whan werre is al bestad,
The pes is sauf, the werre is evere adrad:
Pes is of alle charite the keie,
Which hath the lif and soule forto weie.
My liege lord, if that the list to seche
The sothe essamples that the werre hath wroght,
Thow schalt wiel hiere of wisemennes speche
That dedly werre turneth into noght.
For if these olde bokes be wel soght,
Ther myght thou se what thing the werre hath do,
Bothe of conqueste and conquerour also.
The sothe essamples that the werre hath wroght,
Thow schalt wiel hiere of wisemennes speche
That dedly werre turneth into noght.
For if these olde bokes be wel soght,
Ther myght thou se what thing the werre hath do,
Bothe of conqueste and conquerour also.
For vein honour or for the worldes good
Thei that whilom the stronge werres made,
Wher be thei now? Bethenk wel in thi mod.
The day is goon, the nyght is derk and fade,
Her crualte, which mad hem thanne glade,
Thei sorwen now, and yit have noght the more;
The blod is schad, which no man mai restore.
Thei that whilom the stronge werres made,
Wher be thei now? Bethenk wel in thi mod.
The day is goon, the nyght is derk and fade,
Her crualte, which mad hem thanne glade,
Thei sorwen now, and yit have noght the more;
The blod is schad, which no man mai restore.
The werre is modir of the wronges alle;
It sleth the prest in holi chirche at masse,
Forlith the maide and doth hire flour to falle.
The werre makth the grete Citee lasse,
And doth the lawe his reules overpasse.
There is no thing wherof meschef mai growe
Which is noght caused of the werre, y trowe.
It sleth the prest in holi chirche at masse,
Forlith the maide and doth hire flour to falle.
The werre makth the grete Citee lasse,
And doth the lawe his reules overpasse.
There is no thing wherof meschef mai growe
Which is noght caused of the werre, y trowe.
The werre bringth in poverte at hise hieles,
Wherof the comon poeple is sore grieved;
The werre hath set his cart on thilke whieles
Wher that fortune mai noght be believed.
For whan men wene best to have achieved,
Ful ofte it is al newe to beginne:
The werre hath no thing siker, thogh he winne.
Wherof the comon poeple is sore grieved;
The werre hath set his cart on thilke whieles
Wher that fortune mai noght be believed.
For whan men wene best to have achieved,
Ful ofte it is al newe to beginne:
The werre hath no thing siker, thogh he winne.
Forthi, my worthi prince, in Cristes halve,
As for a part whos feith thou hast to guide,
Ley to this olde sor a newe salve,
And do the werre awei, what so betide:
Pourchace pes, and set it be thi side,
And suffre noght thi poeple be devoured,
So schal thi name evere after stonde honoured.
As for a part whos feith thou hast to guide,
Ley to this olde sor a newe salve,
And do the werre awei, what so betide:
Pourchace pes, and set it be thi side,
And suffre noght thi poeple be devoured,
So schal thi name evere after stonde honoured.
If eny man be now or evere was
Ayein the pes thi preve counseillour,
Let god ben of thi counseil in this cas,
And put awei the cruel werreiour.
For god, which is of man the creatour,
He wolde noght men slowe his creature
Withoute cause of dedly forfeture.
Ayein the pes thi preve counseillour,
Let god ben of thi counseil in this cas,
And put awei the cruel werreiour.
For god, which is of man the creatour,
He wolde noght men slowe his creature
Withoute cause of dedly forfeture.
Wher nedeth most, behoveth most to loke.
Mi lord, how so thi werres ben withoute,
Of time passed who that hiede toke,
Good were at hom to se riht wel aboute;
For everemor the werste is forto doute:
Bot if thou myghtest parfit pes atteigne,
Ther schulde be no cause forto pleigne.
Mi lord, how so thi werres ben withoute,
Of time passed who that hiede toke,
Good were at hom to se riht wel aboute;
For everemor the werste is forto doute:
Bot if thou myghtest parfit pes atteigne,
Ther schulde be no cause forto pleigne.
Aboute a kyng good counseil is to preise
Above alle othre thinges most vailable;
Bot yit a kyng withinne himself schal peise,
And se the thinges that ben resonable,
And ther uppon he schal his wittes stable
Among the men to sette pes in evene,
For love of him which is the kyng of hevene.
Above alle othre thinges most vailable;
Bot yit a kyng withinne himself schal peise,
And se the thinges that ben resonable,
And ther uppon he schal his wittes stable
Among the men to sette pes in evene,
For love of him which is the kyng of hevene.
Ha, wel is him that schedde nevere blod,
Bot if it were in cause of rihtwisnesse:
For if a kyng the peril undirstod,
What is to sle the poeple, thanne y gesse,
The dedly werres and the hevynesse,
Wherof the pes distourbid is ful ofte
Schulde at som time cesse and wexe softe.
Bot if it were in cause of rihtwisnesse:
For if a kyng the peril undirstod,
What is to sle the poeple, thanne y gesse,
The dedly werres and the hevynesse,
Wherof the pes distourbid is ful ofte
Schulde at som time cesse and wexe softe.
O kyng fulfild of grace and of knyghthode,
Remembre uppon this point for Cristes sake,
If pes be profred unto thi manhode,
Thin honour sauf, let it noght be forsake.
Though thou the werres darst wel undirtake,
Aftir reson yit tempre thi corage,
For lich to pes ther is non avantage.
Remembre uppon this point for Cristes sake,
If pes be profred unto thi manhode,
Thin honour sauf, let it noght be forsake.
Though thou the werres darst wel undirtake,
Aftir reson yit tempre thi corage,
For lich to pes ther is non avantage.
My worthi lord, thenk wel, how so befalle,
Of thilke lore, as holi bokes sein,
Crist is the heved and we ben membres alle,
Als wel the subgit as the sovereign:
So sit it wel that charite be plein,
Which unto god himselve most acordeth,
So as the lore of Cristes word recordeth.
Of thilke lore, as holi bokes sein,
Crist is the heved and we ben membres alle,
Als wel the subgit as the sovereign:
So sit it wel that charite be plein,
Which unto god himselve most acordeth,
So as the lore of Cristes word recordeth.
In tholde lawe, er Crist himself was bore,
Among the ten comandementz y rede
How that manslaghtre schulde be forbore;
Such was the will that time of the godhede:
And aftirward, whanne Crist tok his manhede,
Pes was the ferste thing he let do crie
Ayein the worldes rancour and envie.
Among the ten comandementz y rede
How that manslaghtre schulde be forbore;
Such was the will that time of the godhede:
And aftirward, whanne Crist tok his manhede,
Pes was the ferste thing he let do crie
Ayein the worldes rancour and envie.
And er Crist wente out of this erthe hiere,
And stigh to hevene, he made his testament,
Wher he beqwath to his disciples there
And yaf his pes, which is the foundement
Of charite, withouten whos assent
The worldes pes mai nevere wel be tried,
Ne love kept, ne lawe justefied.
And stigh to hevene, he made his testament,
Wher he beqwath to his disciples there
And yaf his pes, which is the foundement
Of charite, withouten whos assent
The worldes pes mai nevere wel be tried,
Ne love kept, ne lawe justefied.
The Jewes with the paiens hadden werre,
Bot thei among hemself stode evere in pes:
Whi schulde thanne oure pes stonde out of herre,
Which Crist hath chose unto his oghne encres?
For Crist is more than was Moïses,
And Crist hath set the parfit of the lawe,
The which scholde in no wise be withdrawe.
Bot thei among hemself stode evere in pes:
Whi schulde thanne oure pes stonde out of herre,
Which Crist hath chose unto his oghne encres?
For Crist is more than was Moïses,
And Crist hath set the parfit of the lawe,
The which scholde in no wise be withdrawe.
To yive ous pes was cause whi Crist dide;
Withoute pes may no thing stonde availed:
Bot now a man mai sen on everi side
How Cristes feith is every dai assailed,
With the Paiens destruid, and so batailed
That for defalte of help and of defence
Unethe hath Crist his dewe reverence.
Withoute pes may no thing stonde availed:
Bot now a man mai sen on everi side
How Cristes feith is every dai assailed,
With the Paiens destruid, and so batailed
That for defalte of help and of defence
Unethe hath Crist his dewe reverence.
The righte feith to kepe of holy chirche
The firste point is named of knyghthode,
And everi man is holde forto wirche
Uppon the point which stant to his manhode.
Bot now, helas, the fame is sprad so broode,
That everi worthi man this thing compleigneth,
And yit ther is no man which help ordeigneth.
The firste point is named of knyghthode,
And everi man is holde forto wirche
Uppon the point which stant to his manhode.
Bot now, helas, the fame is sprad so broode,
That everi worthi man this thing compleigneth,
And yit ther is no man which help ordeigneth.
The worldes cause is waited overal,
Ther ben the werres redi to the fulle;
Bot Cristes oghne cause in special,
Ther ben the swerdes and the speres dulle;
And with the sentence of the popes bulle,
As forto do the folk paien obeie,
The chirche is turned al an other weie.
Ther ben the werres redi to the fulle;
Bot Cristes oghne cause in special,
Ther ben the swerdes and the speres dulle;
And with the sentence of the popes bulle,
As forto do the folk paien obeie,
The chirche is turned al an other weie.
It is to wondre above a mannys wit
Withoute werre how Cristes feith was wonne,
And we that ben uppon this erthe yit
Ne kepe it noght, as it was first begonne.
To every creature undir the sonne
Crist bad himself how that we schulden preche,
And to the folk his evangile teche.
Withoute werre how Cristes feith was wonne,
And we that ben uppon this erthe yit
Ne kepe it noght, as it was first begonne.
To every creature undir the sonne
Crist bad himself how that we schulden preche,
And to the folk his evangile teche.
More light it is to kepe than to make;
Bot that we founden mad tofore the hond
We kepe noght, bot lete it lightly slake.
The pes of Crist hath altobroke his bond,
We reste ourselve and soeffrin every lond
To slen ech other as thing undefendid:
So stant the werre, and pes is noght amendid.
Bot that we founden mad tofore the hond
We kepe noght, bot lete it lightly slake.
The pes of Crist hath altobroke his bond,
We reste ourselve and soeffrin every lond
To slen ech other as thing undefendid:
So stant the werre, and pes is noght amendid.
Bot thogh the heved of holy chirche above
Ne do noght al his hole businesse
Among the men to sette pes and love,
These kynges oughten of here rightwisnesse
Here oghne cause among hemself redresse:
Thogh Petres schip as now hath lost his stiere,
It lith in hem that barge forto stiere.
Ne do noght al his hole businesse
Among the men to sette pes and love,
These kynges oughten of here rightwisnesse
Here oghne cause among hemself redresse:
Thogh Petres schip as now hath lost his stiere,
It lith in hem that barge forto stiere.
If holy cherche after the duete
Of Cristes word ne be noght al avysed
To make pes, acord and unite
Among the kinges that ben now devised,
Yit natheles the lawe stant assised
Of mannys wit to be so resonable,
Withoute that to stonde hemselve stable.
Of Cristes word ne be noght al avysed
To make pes, acord and unite
Among the kinges that ben now devised,
Yit natheles the lawe stant assised
Of mannys wit to be so resonable,
Withoute that to stonde hemselve stable.
Of holy chirche we ben children alle,
And every child is holden forto bowe
Unto the modir, how that evere it falle,
Or elles he mot reson desalowe:
And for that cause a knyght schal ferst avowe
The right of holi chirche to defende,
That no man schal the previlege offende.
And every child is holden forto bowe
Unto the modir, how that evere it falle,
Or elles he mot reson desalowe:
And for that cause a knyght schal ferst avowe
The right of holi chirche to defende,
That no man schal the previlege offende.
Thus were it good to setten al in evene
The worldes princes and the prelatz bothe,
For love of him which is the king of hevene:
And if men scholde algate wexe wrothe,
The Sarazins, whiche unto Crist be lothe,
Let men ben armed ayein hem to fighte;
So mai the knyht his dede of armes righte.
The worldes princes and the prelatz bothe,
For love of him which is the king of hevene:
And if men scholde algate wexe wrothe,
The Sarazins, whiche unto Crist be lothe,
Let men ben armed ayein hem to fighte;
So mai the knyht his dede of armes righte.
Uppon thre pointz stant Cristes pes oppressed:
Ferst holy cherche is in hirsilf divided,
Which oughte of reson first to be redresced;
Bot yit so highe a cause is noght decided.
And thus, whan humble pacience is prided,
The remenant, which that thei schulden reule,
No wondir is though it stonde out of reule.
Ferst holy cherche is in hirsilf divided,
Which oughte of reson first to be redresced;
Bot yit so highe a cause is noght decided.
And thus, whan humble pacience is prided,
The remenant, which that thei schulden reule,
No wondir is though it stonde out of reule.
Of that the heved is siek, the limes aken:
These regnes that to Cristes pes belongen
For worldes good these dedly werres maken,
Whiche helpeles as in balance hongen.
The heved above hem hath noght undirfongen
To sette pes, bot every man sleeth other,
And in this wise hath charite no brother.
These regnes that to Cristes pes belongen
For worldes good these dedly werres maken,
Whiche helpeles as in balance hongen.
The heved above hem hath noght undirfongen
To sette pes, bot every man sleeth other,
And in this wise hath charite no brother.
The two defaltes bringen in the thridde,
Of mescreantz, that sen how we debate,
Betwen the two thei fallen in amidde,
Wher now aldai thei finde an open gate.
Lo, thus the dedly werre stant algate;
Bot evere y hope of King Henries grace
That he it is which schal the pes embrace.
Of mescreantz, that sen how we debate,
Betwen the two thei fallen in amidde,
Wher now aldai thei finde an open gate.
Lo, thus the dedly werre stant algate;
Bot evere y hope of King Henries grace
That he it is which schal the pes embrace.
My worthi noble prince and kyng enoignt,
Whom god hath of his grace so preserved,
Behold and se the world uppon this point,
As for thi part that Cristes pes be served:
So schal thin highe mede be deserved
To him which al schal qwiten ate laste,
For this lif hiere mai no while laste.
Whom god hath of his grace so preserved,
Behold and se the world uppon this point,
As for thi part that Cristes pes be served:
So schal thin highe mede be deserved
To him which al schal qwiten ate laste,
For this lif hiere mai no while laste.
See Alisandre, Ector and Julius,
See Machabeu, David and Josue,
See Charlemeine, Godefroi, Arthus,
Fulfild of werre and of mortalite.
Here fame abit, bot al is vanite;
For deth, which hath the werres under fote,
Hath mad an ende of which ther is no bote.
See Machabeu, David and Josue,
See Charlemeine, Godefroi, Arthus,
Fulfild of werre and of mortalite.
Here fame abit, bot al is vanite;
For deth, which hath the werres under fote,
Hath mad an ende of which ther is no bote.
So mai a man the sothe wite and knowe,
That pes is good for every king to have:
The fortune of the werre is evere unknowe,
Bot wher pes is, ther ben the marches save.
That now is up, to morwe is under grave;
The mighti god hath alle grace in honde,
With outen him pes mai nought longe stonde.
That pes is good for every king to have:
The fortune of the werre is evere unknowe,
Bot wher pes is, ther ben the marches save.
That now is up, to morwe is under grave;
The mighti god hath alle grace in honde,
With outen him pes mai nought longe stonde.
Of the Tenetz to winne or lese a chace,
Mai no lif wite er that the bal be ronne:
Al stant in god, what thing men schal pourchace,
Thende is in him er that it be begonne.
Men sein the wolle, whanne it is wel sponne,
Doth that the cloth is strong and profitable,
And elles it mai nevere be durable.
Mai no lif wite er that the bal be ronne:
Al stant in god, what thing men schal pourchace,
Thende is in him er that it be begonne.
Men sein the wolle, whanne it is wel sponne,
Doth that the cloth is strong and profitable,
And elles it mai nevere be durable.
The worldes chaunces uppon aventure
Ben evere sett, bot thilke chaunce of pes
Is so behoveli to the creature,
That it above alle othre is piereles:
Bot it mai noght be gete natheles
Among the men to lasten eny while,
Bot wher the herte is plein withoute guyle.
Ben evere sett, bot thilke chaunce of pes
Is so behoveli to the creature,
That it above alle othre is piereles:
Bot it mai noght be gete natheles
Among the men to lasten eny while,
Bot wher the herte is plein withoute guyle.
The pes is as it were a sacrement
Tofore the god, and schal with wordes pleine
Withouten eny double entendement
Be treted, for the trouthe can noght feine:
Bot if the men withinne hemself be veine,
The substance of the pes may noght be trewe,
Bot every dai it chaungeth uppon newe.
Tofore the god, and schal with wordes pleine
Withouten eny double entendement
Be treted, for the trouthe can noght feine:
Bot if the men withinne hemself be veine,
The substance of the pes may noght be trewe,
Bot every dai it chaungeth uppon newe.
Bot who that is of charite parfit,
He voideth alle sleightes ferr aweie,
And sett his word uppon the same plit,
Wher that his herte hath founde a siker weie:
And thus whan conscience is trewly weie,
And that the pes be handlid with the wise,
It schal abide and stonde in alle wise.
He voideth alle sleightes ferr aweie,
And sett his word uppon the same plit,
Wher that his herte hath founde a siker weie:
And thus whan conscience is trewly weie,
And that the pes be handlid with the wise,
It schal abide and stonde in alle wise.
Thapostle seith, ther mai no lif be good
Which is noght grounded uppon charite,
For charite ne schedde nevere blod,
So hath the werre as ther no proprite:
For thilke vertu which is seid pite
With charite so ferforth is aqweinted,
That in hire may no fals semblant be peinted.
Which is noght grounded uppon charite,
For charite ne schedde nevere blod,
So hath the werre as ther no proprite:
For thilke vertu which is seid pite
With charite so ferforth is aqweinted,
That in hire may no fals semblant be peinted.
Cassodre, whos writinge is auctorized,
Seith, wher that pite reigneth, ther is grace,
Thurgh which the pes hath al his welthe assised,
So that of werre he dredeth no manace.
Wher pite dwelleth, in the same place
Ther mai no dedly cruelte sojorne,
Wherof that merci schulde his weie torne.
Seith, wher that pite reigneth, ther is grace,
Thurgh which the pes hath al his welthe assised,
So that of werre he dredeth no manace.
Wher pite dwelleth, in the same place
Ther mai no dedly cruelte sojorne,
Wherof that merci schulde his weie torne.
To se what pite forth with mercy doth,
The croniqe is at Rome in thilke empire
Of Constantin, which is a tale soth;
Whan him was levere his oghne deth desire
Than do the yonge children to martire,
Of crualte he lafte the querele,
Pite he wroghte and pite was his hele.
The croniqe is at Rome in thilke empire
Of Constantin, which is a tale soth;
Whan him was levere his oghne deth desire
Than do the yonge children to martire,
Of crualte he lafte the querele,
Pite he wroghte and pite was his hele.
For thilke mannes pite which he dede
God was pitous and mad him hol at al;
Silvestre cam, and in the same stede
Yaf him baptisme first in special,
Which dide awai the sinne original,
And al his lepre it hath so purified,
That his pite for evere is magnified.
God was pitous and mad him hol at al;
Silvestre cam, and in the same stede
Yaf him baptisme first in special,
Which dide awai the sinne original,
And al his lepre it hath so purified,
That his pite for evere is magnified.
Pite was cause whi this emperour
Was hol in bodi and in soule bothe,
And Rome also was set in thilke honour
Of Cristes feith, so that the lieve of lothe,
Whiche hadden be with Crist tofore wrothe,
Resceived weren unto Cristes lore:
Thus schal pite be preised evermore.
Was hol in bodi and in soule bothe,
And Rome also was set in thilke honour
Of Cristes feith, so that the lieve of lothe,
Whiche hadden be with Crist tofore wrothe,
Resceived weren unto Cristes lore:
Thus schal pite be preised evermore.
My worthi liege lord, Henri be name,
Which Engelond hast to governe and righte,
Men oghten wel thi pite to proclame,
Which openliche in al the worldes sighte
Is schewed with the help of god almighte,
To yive ous pes, which longe hath be debated,
Wherof thi pris shal nevere ben abated.
Which Engelond hast to governe and righte,
Men oghten wel thi pite to proclame,
Which openliche in al the worldes sighte
Is schewed with the help of god almighte,
To yive ous pes, which longe hath be debated,
Wherof thi pris shal nevere ben abated.
My lord, in whom hath evere yit be founde
Pite withoute spot of violence,
Kep thilke pes alwei withinne bounde,
Which god hath planted in thi conscience:
So schal the cronique of thi pacience
Among the seintz be take into memoire
To the loenge of perdurable gloire.
Pite withoute spot of violence,
Kep thilke pes alwei withinne bounde,
Which god hath planted in thi conscience:
So schal the cronique of thi pacience
Among the seintz be take into memoire
To the loenge of perdurable gloire.
And to thin erthli pris, so as y can,
Which everi man is holde to commende,
I, Gower, which am al thi liege man,
This lettre unto thin excellence y sende,
As y which evere unto my lives ende
Wol praie for the stat of thi persone
In worschipe of thi sceptre and of thi throne.
Which everi man is holde to commende,
I, Gower, which am al thi liege man,
This lettre unto thin excellence y sende,
As y which evere unto my lives ende
Wol praie for the stat of thi persone
In worschipe of thi sceptre and of thi throne.
Noght only to my king of pes y write,
Bot to these othre princes cristene alle,
That ech of hem his oghne herte endite,
And see the werre er more meschief falle:
Sette ek the rightful Pope uppon his stalle,
Kep charite and draugh pite to honde,
Maintene lawe, and so the pes schal stonde.
Bot to these othre princes cristene alle,
That ech of hem his oghne herte endite,
And see the werre er more meschief falle:
Sette ek the rightful Pope uppon his stalle,
Kep charite and draugh pite to honde,
Maintene lawe, and so the pes schal stonde.
Explicit earmen de pacis commendacione, quod
laudem et memoriam serenissimi principis domini Regis
Henrici quarti suus humilis orator Iohannes Gower composuit.
Et nunc sequitur epistola in qua idem Ioannes
pro statu et salute dicti domini sui apud altissimum deuocius exorat.
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