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[Can the dark Ethiop change his skin]

Can the dark Ethiop change his skin,
Leopard without his spots appear?
Then I from old habitual sin,
May live redeem'd, and blameless here
May do my Saviour's utmost will,
And all His righteous laws fulfil.
To sense and pride by nature prone,
In sense and pride by custom bred,
Beneath the double chain I groan,
And never, never can be freed,
Unless I find the liberty
In blood Divine pour'd out for me.


That blood the mighty deed can do,
Can nature unto grace convert,
Obliterate sins of deepest hue,
Change the foul colour of my heart,
From darkness turn me into light,
And wash the swarthy Ethiop white.
Soon as that efficacious blood
Applied by living faith I feel,
I feel my heart and life renew'd,
Wrought is the thing impossible;
Effaced are all my inbred stains,
And not one spot of sin remains.