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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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This cloudborn Stream, cradled'mid Mists and Snows,
Whose Lullaby, the Wind, a rude Nurse, sings,
'Till, like a foaming Steed, itself it flings
From Rock to Rock, with Impetus that knows
No salutary Check, here onward flows
In calmer Beauty, and the Flower springs
Round its moist Marge, whose soft Meanderings,
Leading thro' Greenwoodnooks and under Brows
Of overhanging Crags, with Ivy grown,
Might tempt the Naiad to her Noontidesleep!
Its Course resembles and instructs Man's own:
In its vain Tumult it was loud, not deep,
And on its Brink, no Flower as yet had blown,
But here its calmer Path with all sweet Things is strown!