University of Virginia Library

Now what d'ye think this Nessy had done
That Hollantide night, the time she run
And left the Pazon? There was one of these parties
She never seen, for, behould ye! my hearties
Tuk diff'rin' roads, the one to the shore,
And the one to the mountain above Slieu-Core.
So Nessy happened on the track
Of the mountain beauty—and that was Jack—
Jack Pentreath—aw, Manx thallure —
But his father was Cornish to be sure—
Neddy St. Ives they were callin' the father,
But Jack—aw, Jack—that was flighty rather—
Jack Pentreath—well, no, I'll not say
Flighty either; but ye see the way
It was—but hould on, you'll hear, you'll hear.
The other chap was Harry Creer—
From Dalby he came, and so he was gettin'
“Harry from Dalby.”


Getting the name of.