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[Wash my own heart! It cannot be]

Wash my own heart! It cannot be,
Unless by coming unto Thee
The' atoning Lamb of God,
Unless Thou help me to draw nigh,
And purge my crimes of deepest dye
In Thy all-cleansing blood.


Thy blood can save from inbred sin
And make my leprous nature clean:
If Thou Thy Spirit impart,
Anger, concupiscence, and pride
Shall never with Thy Spirit reside,
Or lodge within my heart.
No evil thought shall there remain,
Pass through Thy temple, or profane
The place of Thy abode,
(Where all Thy glory is reveal'd,)
With the majestic presence fill'd
Of an indwelling God.
Come then, O Lord, into my heart,
That sin for ever may depart,
With every low desire;
That on the wings of faith and love
I may to those bless'd realms above
In every thought aspire.
O could I now in garments white
Ascend, and greet the sons of light
Who through Thy cross o'ercame,
Thy dazzling face with transport see,
And sing through all eternity
Salvation to the Lamb!