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June 8-14
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June 8-14

I did not go to the funeral being too poorly. Kat, Elie and I have a quiet day at home. Bob comes Monday. He is very poorly. Brings me a letter from Sally telling me she started for Richmond today. Oh, I'm so troubled that I have not seen her; had just planned to go down and bring her up. She had written the middle of last week to tell me Jabe had sent for her and she would go in a few days but the letter did not reach me until Tuesday evening. She sends me a letter from Brother Peter. He is in Arkansas; has been in Arkansas since sometime in the winter. [He] was too feeble to be with the army now but as soon as he gets better will join Beauregard. Says the Feds had committed great excesses in Pike County [Missouri.] ....Mammy Eliza and I go down to Edge Hill to see Mary Walker. I fear she is not long for this world. Have some troopers to dinner. They give us the news of Jackson's march through the [Shenandoah] Valley and back again. Old Stone Wall has been

reinforced now and we hope he may soon clear western Virginia of the hated foe. We hear he sent to Jeff Davis for 10,000 more troops and no orders. The brave veteran, General [Turner] Ashby was buried at the University Cemetery on Sunday last. He was shot by the enemy in one of Jackson's fights of last week. A call from Jimmy Lewis. He intends to leave the Lighthorse [Cavalry Brigade of Albemarle County.] Dave is to take his place. Bob with us very poorly .... [Letters written.] Wednesday I'm very poorly; am troubled in mind as well as body. Nothing doing before Richmond. Say the mud is too deep. Oh if we only had a Jackson there to overcome difficulties.