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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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Again the Royal Band in fair array

[To the Royal Company of Archers]

[c. 1726]

Health Joy and all that Makes Life easy flow
to the Brave Band that Bauldly Bend the Bow
Cease Gloomy Sauls to Snarl at Blythe deray
nor grudge the chearfu mind a Social day
Sigh oer your Trash vile Nigards & be Slaves
till you unpitied Starve into your Graves
Ye publick Rovers a' thats sonsy sell
to pang your pride your Bountith sure in H---
while honest minds unsourd with clogs sae vile
can cast their cares aside and sometimes smile
smile at each wretch with vice & spleen oprest
well kenning Life is but a farce at Best
Let heavy heads there solemn nonsence Brook
and ward aff freindship with a sullen Look
Tis yours ye Royal Band with Joy to trace
beneovolence in ane annithers face
Ladys demand & flowry field invite
The Scotish Archers on the Plains to meet
frindeship & generous Love that only give
the Bliss that makes it worth ones while to live
Let sounds melodious Echo throw the air
and free ilk hearty archer Banish care


meet every youth who tyes of friendship bind
let him be fremit-fled who lags behind
be deemd a creeping span[i]el of state
and be the Butt of Bonny lasses hate
But to ilk archer who in good array
helps to adorn the March and Gambols gay
May ilka Patriot be his friend & prope
and softest Beauty gratifie his hope
These are rewards that can make life flow even
only bestowd on favourites of Hevven
Hail to the patriot chiefs who Grace the Band
May they still brook as they deserve command
May still their publick generous thought d[i]fuse
a joy unkend to those who power abuse
to latest ages may their fame desend
and to esteem their offspring recomend
Let sounds melodious echoe throw the air
and far frae noble patriots banish care
Clarinda smiles Calista looks serene
in lovely state they press the flowry green
a Thousand Beautys coppy from the pair
and by the Imitation look more fair
O Best of Paterns may you ever shine
the Leading Stars of Graces maist devine
when springing Beautys yet in lovely Bud
shall act with grandure what is wise & good
not rightly understood by Cloudy wights
who cannot place things in their proper light
to grace whats just convincingly theyl say
Clarinda and Calista Led the way
Let sounds melodious Echo throw the air
and far frae Patriot Beauty Banish care
Let spareking Bumpers Blythl[e]y wheel arround
and with the Best & fairest Toasts be crownd
such healths as makes the honest heart to Glow
of every worthy Scot who draws the Bow
and scorns to act a damnd or dirty thing
against his countrey conscience and his King,


who can look doun with virtuous disdain
on sic as dar trock them baith for gain
Dear Clara too in whom the Graces meet
with amacordia every way complete
with charms divine awaking softest Love
adorn the field and the parade approve
stand yont vile Things you must not interfere
with their Just Joys to whom their rights are dear
Dear be his Nation to ilk Archers heart
so may just heaven pay hame his high desert
with sic rewards no canker can destroy
when thers no conscious guilt to sour his Joy