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A lamp for our feet

A Lamp for our feet the Lord hath litten,
Signs hath He shown in the land of Khem.
The kings of the nations our Lord hath smitten,
His shoe hath He cast o'er the gods of them.
He hath made Him a mock of the heifer of Isis,
He hath broken the chariot reins of Ra,
On Yakûb He cries, and His folk arises,
And the knees of the nations are loosed in awe.
He gives us their goods for a spoil to gather,
Jewels of silver, and vessels of gold;
For Yahveh of old is our Friend and Father,
And cherisheth Yakûb He chose of old.
The gods of the peoples our Lord hath chidden,
Their courts hath He filled with His creeping things;
The light of the face of the sun He hath hidden,
And broken the scourge in the hands of kings.


He hath chastened His people with stripes and scourges,
Our backs hath He burdened with grievous weights,
But His children shall rise as a sea that surges,
And flood the fields of the men He hates.
The kings of the nations our Lord hath smitten,
His shoe hath He cast o'er the Gods of them,
But a lamp for our feet the Lord hath litten,
Wonders hath wrought in the land of Khem.