Translations, if not otherwise identified, are by the author
of this article.
Entretiens sur l'Antiquité Classique, Foundation Hardt
pour l'Étude de l'Antiquité Classique, Vol. IV: Histoire et
historiens dans l'antiquité (Vandoeuvres, 1956). L'Histoire
et ses interprétations, Entretiens autour de Arnold Toynbee
sous la direction de Raymond Aron, École Pratique des
Hautes Études, Sorbonne, sixième section: Sciences écono-
miques et sociales. Congrès et Colloques III (Paris, 1961).
Karl Reinhardt, Poseidonios (Munich, 1921). Kurt Riezler,
“The Historian and Truth,” The Journal of Philosophy, 45
(1948), 345-88. James T. Shotwell, Introduction to the His-
tory of History (New York, 1939; rev. ed. 1950). Hermann
Strasburger, DieWesensbestimmung der Geschichte durch
die antike Geschichtsschreibung (Wiesbaden, 1966). Kurt
von Fritz, Diegriechische Geschichtsschreibung, Vol. I: Von
den Anfängen bis Thukydides (Berlin, 1967); idem, “Con-
servative Reaction and One Man Rule in Ancient Greece,”
Political Science Quarterly, 56 (1941), 51-83; idem, “The
Historian Theopompus. His Political Convictions and his
Conception of Historiography,” American Historical Review,
46 (1941), 765-85; idem, “Aristotle's Contribution to the
Practice and Theory of Historiography,” University of
California Publications in Philosophy, 28 (1958), 113-38.
[See also Causation in History; Cycles; Environment;
toriography; Poetry and Poetics; Progress in Antiquity.]