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 1 The Proem. 
 2. The Story. 
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To fynde the lyne meridional to dwelle fix in eny certeyn place.
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 Fragment A. 
 Fragment B. 
 Fragment C. 

To fynde the lyne meridional to dwelle fix in eny certeyn place.

Tak a round plate of metal; for werpyng, the brodder the better; and make there upon a just compas a lite within the bordure. And ley this rounde plate upon an evene ground, or on an evene ston, or on an evene stok fix in the ground; and ley it evene by a level. And in the centre of the compas styke an evene pyn, or a wyr, upright, the smaller the better; set thy pyn by a plom-rule evene upright, and let this pyn be no lenger than a quarter of the dyametre of thy compas, fro the centre amiddes. And wayte bisely aboute 10 or 11 of the clokke, whan the sonne shineth, whan the shadewe of the pyn entrith enythyng within the cercle of thy compas an heer-mele; and marke there a pricke with inke. Abid than stille waityng on the sonne til after 1 of the clokke, til that the shadwe of the wyr,


or of the pyn, passe enything out of the cercle of the compas, be it nevere so lyte, and set there another pricke of ynke. Tak than a compas, and mesure evene the myddel bitwixe bothe prickes, and set there a prikke. Tak me than a rule and draw a strike evene a-lyne, fro the pyn unto the middel prikke; and tak there thi lyne meridional for evermore, as in that same place. And yif thou drawe a cross-lyne overthwart the compas justly over the lyne meridional, than hast thou est and west and south, and par consequens, the opposit of the south lyne, i.e. the north.